Chapter 2

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Summary for chapter 1: Idk Now

"I think this is gonna be fun."

I turned to a house next to mine. "Are those people gonna be our neighbors?" I ask. She turned to the house and smiled. "I think so honey! Why don't you say hi while I bring the things in the house?" She asks, ruffling my hair. "You sure mommy? There's a lot of stuff..." She grinned. "Don't worry! Your mom is strong! She can handle anything!" She picked up a couple of boxes. "Now go!" I slowly walked towards the house, having a lot of thoughts in my head. 'What if they don't like me? What if they're really mean? What if some of them go to my school? What if there's nobody here? What if-' I shake my head. 'Focus Y/n! Just be yourself.' I was about to ring the doorbell when suddenly, a goat rammed at me. I fell on the ground, rubbing my stomach. "Ow..." "Melissa!" A young girl shouted.

'Hmm, she sounds a little older than me, maybe 12 years old?' She ran towards "Melissa" the goat. "Oh, Melissa! What's wrong with you? You shouldn't do that..." She turned to me. "To people." Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "TILLYYYYYYYYY!" A boy yelled. As I saw him, he turned to me. "Oh, who the hay is that?" He asked. I sighed. 'So much for a first impression...' That sharp pain came back again. I looked at my hand. My eyes widened. Blood. "Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh." Tilly said, hyperventilating. She must of saw the blood. I wince in pain. "Could you ask your mom or dad to come here?" I ask, holding my stomach. "Papa! Papa, come here!" Tilly shouted, running inside their house. The boy came towards me. "Um, you ok there?" He asked hesitantly. I unzipped my hoodie and took it off. He blushed lightly. 'Hmm? OH. My stomach is showing.' "Sorry..." I mutter. "It's fine..." He said, still blushing lightly. "Hm, the goat must have pierced my stomach." I say. I turn around and saw their possible dad. "Oh jeez! You ok there?" He asked. I shrug. "More or less." I told him. "I'm gonna get you some bandages. Ok?" He asked again, opening his door. I nod. I turn towards the 2 kids. "SO, what're your names?" "How can you be so calm?!" He asked, astonished. "Idk." I reply. "Well, my name's Cricket! This here is Tilly." He said, gesturing to Tilly. "Hello!" She said. I smiled. "So, what's your name?" Cricket asked. "My name's Y/n! It's nice to meet you both. I like your overalls." I compliment, pointing at his clothes. "Thanks! I like your doll, Tilly's got somethin' like that too!" Cricket said, pointing at a sewn potato sack with 1 blue button as the right eye and a bottle cap as the left eye. Tilly grabbed him and told me, "This is my burlap companion, Saxon!" Tilly says. "It's nice to meet you!" Tilly said, now in a somewhat man voice. I giggled and took my F/a doll and said in a slightly higher voice, "Hi there Saxon! I'm (Name of your choice=N/o/y/c)! It's nice to meet you too!" I giggle again. Tilly turned to the door. "Oh, look! Papa's got the bandages!" Tilly told me. He ran towards me. "Ok, I need you to hold your arms up." He instructed. "Ok..." I say as I raise my arms. I felt him wrap around the bandages from my stomach to my back. I waited until he said, "Done!" I look at my stomach. "Thanks..." "Bill Green! You can call me Bill if you like." He told me. "Thanks Bill!" I say, standing up. I take my hoodie and put it on. "Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" "I'm-" I say as my mom shouted. "Y/n!" I turn to

see my mom with her hands on my shoulders. "So... How did it go?" She asked. "Well..." I trailed off, turning around to show her the bandages. "*Gasp* What happened?" She asked, worried of course. "Ahem," Tilly said, walking towards my mom with Melissa. "Melissa here rammed Y/n and pierced her stomach, so papa had to bandage her stomach. Melissa didn't mean to; she just likes the color F/c so she will ram into whatever item is that color. (NOT canon of course.) "Mom, don't worry! I'm fine!" I assured her. "If you say so..." "So! You must be Y/n's mother huh?" Bill said, fixing his hat. She smiled. "Yes, I am! Are you their father?" She asked. "Yup!" "This is Cricket," I tell my mom, touching his arm. "Ow! Jeez Cricket, you're so hot!" I say, waving my hand. I turn to his face to see that it was red too. Aw jeez, are you burning up?" I ask, about to touch his face. He quickly backed up. "No, no, no! I'm fine." He nervously said. "Ok?" I say hesitantly, tilting my head.

Cricket's POV~~~~~

'Crap, why does she look so cute?! Get a hold of yourself Cricket, you just met her. Just take a deep breath and shove everything down.' I took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm fine." I say as my face cools down. "Ok, good!" She said, smiling. 'Nope, just gonna shove it down.' "Anyways, I gotta, um, gotta... Go feed Phoenix!" I shout, running away. I walk to Phoenix. I sit down and lean towards her. "Ugh, what's wrong with me Phoenix? My stomach feels all weird whenever I'm around her." I tell her. "*Insert dog noise*" I sigh. "Whatever, just shove it deep inside. I'll forget about it tomorrow!" I say enthusiastically. I give Phoenix some food and go outside to see a person next to Y/n. She smiled and said, "Meet my sibling (Boy or girl) S/n!"

980 words (Not counting the bold ones here) F***ING CLIFFHANGER OOOOHHHHHHHH- Anyway, tell me what you think! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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