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Khun does not understand anything anymore. He doesnʼt know if heʼd feel triumphant or defeated by the sudden turn of events. He had always known he couldnʼt keep Bam hidden for long, but why does Edahn seem so curious about his existence for all the wrong reasons?

Did he miss something in his past life? Something that he could have found out if he dug deeper into the time before the Ten Great Familiesʼ positions were solidified? Something that had to do with why the Tower ended up this way?

He sighed in surrender, pulling himself out of his deep thinking as he welcomed himself to the yard where Ran seems to be taking his time teaching whatever he had learned from school to the ever-so enthusiastic brunet. As per usual, the latter dropped everything he was busy with at the sound of Khunʼs voice and greeted him with vigor, the amber of his eyes highlighted by the afternoon sun.

"Sorry it took longer than expected, but I see you had fun with Ran." He ruffled his chestnut brown hair, patting down the stubborn locks while they wait for Ran to finish gathering his things from the cabin. As they chatted, he noticed Bam limping slightly and the black handkerchief tied around his right leg. "Youʼre wounded."

"My leg got stuck while Ran was showing me how to climb trees," the brunetʼs tone was sheepish, but the way he avoided Khunʼs watch was slightly suspicious. Now that he thought about it- that detail he missed, perhaps it had something to do with why and how Bam ended up in that cave. Yet, these are all just purely his speculations with no definite answer.

Khun just shook his head and averted his attention back to the gash on Bamʼs leg. "Anyway, we better dress it properly if we donʼt want it to scar or be infected."

"I have older scars though." The other tilted his head and stared at him. Then he gasped, perplexed, a hint of worry in his tone. "Oh no, does it mean Iʼm actually dying inside?"

Bam whined, rubbing his forehead when the bluenet knocked his knuckles on it- to which Khun just retorted with a slight glare, making him apologize half-heartedly. Heʼs still sensitive with the mention of anything related to Bamʼs death, and the topic coming from the subject of his worries only made it worse than it already was. Not that heʼd let it happen a second time around, but still.

"Bam," he mumbled once he finished dabbing the ointment on the latterʼs wound. "Yes, Aguero?"

"Can you tell me about how you usually spend your time back when youʼre still inside the cave?"

"I donʼt know." Bam flashed a look of surprise before pursing his lips as he thought for a moment. "Life back then was rather tedious. Iʼm afraid Iʼd just bore Aguero with the details."

"If itʼs about you, then Iʼm always interested."

"Well," The brunet giggled. "You could say I woke up there, but I donʼt really remember much. All I can recall was a beast I called Ahjussi guarding me, and other creatures. It taught me words and numbers- the basics. Not that it helped, so aside from spending every hour trying not to end up in something elseʼs mouth, it was alright."

"Wait, you were raised by something that, at the same time also wanted to kill you?!" Khun exclaimed at him. Now he was truly frustrated. Just how could Bam have lived his life if he hadnʼt met anyone back then?

"Uh, yes?" the brunet blinked. "Though, I learned a lot from Ahjussi. Itʼs such a waste that you never got to meet each other."

The bluenet stiffened, placing his hands on Bamʼs shoulders to which the other had hummed in acknowledgement. "Do you want to search for him?"

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