The Maze

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As M explained to Crivvy all his responsibilities to save not only Rob but the future he entered a very anxious state of mind. The only thing rushing through his head was if Rob was safe or not.

————————Crivvy's POV————————-

Crivvy entered a mysterious out of place building where the FUTS supposedly held Rob captive. As he takes one step in, careful to not make too much noise he swifts away from an arrow headed straight for him!
He's confronted with a member of FUTS
"Well well who do we have here.. *chuckles* I'm Lamama." A very tall big bosomed woman introduced herself to Crivvy.
"u-u-h h-i-i-" Crivvy expresses as he's taken away by her features.
Lamama begins to talk to Crivvy flattering his red cheeked adolescent self.
Little did he know she was setting up a trap for him.
Quicker than he could say sheeeeps Crivvy drops down into a hole that has opened up underneath him.
"AHHHH!" Crivvy exclaims. He finds himself in a grass maze.
Crivvy hears a whisper next to him from the left and to the right and all around. Nervous of what was going on he almost burst into tears. A loud speaker turns with very screechy feedback.
"You've trespassed!! So we've stuck you in this maze HAHAHA, good luck finding a way out" A mysterious voice exclaims.
Crivvy takes turn after turn, sweat dripping his face glistening not sure where to go or what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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