Letter #7 - "Going Crazy"

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        When I had finished relaxing after reading the second letter, I figured that I'd read just one more before finally heading to bed. It was getting really late, and I wanted to be up for when the kids got up and asked to be brought home. I picked up the third envelope off of the table and read the date on it, which was 'February 20th, 2026'. This was sent two days after the last letter that I had read. I began to read it:

Dear Lauren,

        I have some bad news... Terrible, actually. Andy was hit by a car this morning. He is alive, barely, and the doctors are doing everything they can in order to save him. I'm in the waiting room as I write this, waiting for more news. I plan on writing to you every day until I know that he'll be okay, so I'm sorry if I'm spamming your mailbox. Let me explain.

        This morning, we were walking out of the grocery store towards our car in the parking lot, when some idiot came speeding toward us. He must have been driving under the influence or something, because he didn't even see us. Andy pushed me out of the way in order to save me, but got hit in the action. Honestly, I would have rathered it the other way around. My life is no good without you in it. Andy would have been an excellent husband for now, but I might lose him now, too. All I'm trying to say is that I will be alone if he doesn't pull through. I'm really going to need some help, Lauren. Just answer my mail... please.

        My family really worries for me, because they think I'll do something stupid. Honestly, I might. It has gotten to the point of no return. I'm depressed and going crazy. My mental state is deteriorating quickly, and the only cure is, well, you. I guess I could run away from home, but that probably wouldn't be a good idea. Sometimes I think about walking down to your house to see if you're there, but I don't want to force this upon you.

        Honestly, Lauren. If you're too ashamed of our past, you should just tell me. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as angry, but that's because I kind of am. My family tries to help, but it's not enough. The only member of my family that actually does me any justice is Sofia, but I don't think she understands the whole story completely. Now that I think about it, who really does know the story aside from us? I don't think anyone actually knows enough to help out. We probably can never go back to the older days. It seems quite impossible.

        I'm just so furious. So furious, that I'm afraid that I'm letting it all out on you. I'm sorry. It seems best that I take a break from writing today, because I just need to calm down. I really miss and love you, Lauren.

                                                                              Lots of love, 


        I frowned at the shortness of the letter, as well as its content. It was awful what was happening to Camila, and it seemed like nothing good was coming her way anymore. Camila was actually close to being somewhat happy, but that was taken away by some loser who thought it was cool to drink and drive. I really hope they caught whoever that jerk was, because he deserved to be behind bars.

        Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. This was baffling, considering that it was past midnight. I thought that it could have been Michael, but I didn't think that he would actually come back so late at night. Who else could it have been?

        I got out of my chair and walked over to the front door. Honestly, I expected a serial killer to jump out at me and kill me. Then again, what kind of serial killer knocks? Wouldn't they bust down the door? Or maybe this one had manners? I opened the door to reveal a very familiar face. There stood a small girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. This was none other than Camila's little sister, Sofia. What could she be doing here?

        "Sofia?!" I exclaimed.

        "Hi, Lauren." she said, calmly.

        "What on Earth are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages! Where is Camila?"

        "That's what I came here to talk to you about."

        All I could think about right now was all of the possible answers she had to my questions. The only real answer that I wanted was whether or not my baby Camz was still alive.

        "Is she okay?" I asked.

        "There's a reason I came to you, Lauren. I was beginning to think that she was with you. She ran away months ago, so I looked you up and came to see if she was with you. I'm scared that I'm going to lose my sister for good, and I just don't want to find out that she is dead." Sofia explained as she started to break down in tears.

        "So you ran away from home as well? You parents must be worried sick about you!" 

        "I bet they are. Don't worry though, because I've called them and told them what I'm up to. They told me that I was missing school and that they wanted me home, but I said that finding my only sibling was my priority. Is it alright if I stay here for a while?"

        I embraced the crying girl in my arms and answered, "Of course you may. I'm going to help you look for Camila. I promise you that we will find her."

        Suddenly, I remembered the letters. They could be the key to finding out what Camila's intentions were, and maybe even where she went. I had decided that I would continue reading them, and together, Sofia and I would find her.

Letters to Lauren (Camren/Fifth Harmony)Where stories live. Discover now