The second daycare Part 2

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I'm putting a twist into it!


The next day after Sabre and Rainbow discovered that they were going to be parents

Sabre was awake and he was looking at his adorable sleeping pregnant lover (creepy much eh Sabre?) and he was happy that he was going to be a father

"Hey Sabre?" Ryan asked

"Yeah?" Sabre asked

"You want to play games with Tina, Goldy, Unicorn and I?" Ryan asked

"Naw I'm going to stay here with Rainbow and my baby," Sabre said

"Alright btw you guys will be here by yourselves," Ryan said

"Okay thanks dude," Sabre said and Rainbow cuddled closer to Sabre

"I'll leave you guys now," Ryan said

"Okay bye Ryan," Sabre said

20 minutes later

Rainbow woke up and he noticed that Sabre was awake

"Morning Sabey!" Rainbow said

"Morning baby btw we have the entire daycare to ourselves for today," Sabre said

"Why?" Rainbow asked

"Ryan, Tina, Goldy, and Unicorn are all playing games in a different server and I'm guessing the others' aren't here and plus I want to spend time with you and our baby," Sabre said

"Awww Sabey I love you," Rainbow said

"Love you too baby," Sabre said and they heard someone knocking on their door

"Coming," Sabre said

Sabre and Rainbow went over to answer their bedroom door and they saw Lucas

"LU!!" Rainbow said hugging Lucas

"Hey little cuz how have you been?" Sabre said

"I've been good!" Lucas said hugging Rainbow back

"Also Raindrop and I have some exciting news," Sabre said

"What's up you two?" Lucas asked

"We're going to be parents!!" Sabre said

"Congrats you two," Lucas said

"Thanks Lu!!" Sabre and Rainbow said

"Who's carrying your guys' baby?" Lucas asked

"Me/Rainbow," Sabre and Rainbow said at the same time and the two so to be parents looked at each other and started laughing than Lucas shortly followed

"Good times," Rainbow said hugging Sabre's arm

"Yeah," Lucas said as Sabre kissed Rainbow's forehead

"I can't seem to find myself to love," Lucas said

"Don't worry lil cuz you'll find someone plus it's amazing to have someone that gives you loves," Sabre said

"Aww Sabey I love you too," Rainbow said

"Well I should probably head home to my mom or your auntie Sab nice talking to you and Rainbow again," Lucas said

"Bye Lu!" Rainbow said

"Bye lil cuz," Sabre said and he closed his and Rainbow's door and then went to their bed

"Maybe when they get back maybe we should ask Unicorn how long you'll be pregnant for okay baby?" Sabre asked and Rainbow nodded and fell asleep on Sabre and started purring on Sabre

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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