The second Daycare

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Hey guys this is part 1 of this awesome book so I hope you enjoy it

Requested by FanofAnimeAphmauRyan and I hope you enjoy it fam


~*~ Ryan's POV ~*~

"Welcome to another day at daycare," I said running up to say hi to everyone

"Hi guys," said everyone else but Tina and Shark and Sabre

"Hi Cutie," Tina said

"Hi Tina," I said

"Hey who knows where Sabre are?" I asked

"We're here," I heard Shark's voice and I turn to see them and a new kid

"Hi Sabre and Shark who is the new kid?" I asked

"I-I'm R-Rainbow S-Steve, " He said shyly

"Shh It's okay babe they are my friends," Sabre said calmly

"He is just shy to other people other than Shark and I," Sabre said

"I-I don't trust the one in t-tiger onesie," Rainbow said

"Tina please don't hurt him," I said

"Okay Cutie," Tina said

"I just realized that I haven't introduced myself," I said

"Or the others," Sabre said

"Chicken Face?" Goldy asked

"Hey Goldy," Sabre said

"W-Who's Goldy?" Rainbow asked

"She is my best friend who is a girl," Sabre said

"I thought I was your best friend," Shark said

"Dude nothing can replace you just like Rain," Sabre said

"Rain?" Tina, Goldy, and I asked

"That is a nickname for Rainbow," Sabre said

"He is adorable, cute, and small. Can I steal him?" Goldy asked

"I want to stay with Sabre and Shark but I can be your friend if you want?" Rainbow asked

"Yay! New friend," Goldy said

~*~ 3rd Person's POV ~*~

"S-Sabre?" Rainbow asked

"Hm?" Sabre replied

"M-My ears hurt," Rainbow said

"Could you guys keep it down? Rainbow's ears hurt and it happens every so often," Sabre asked digging in his pocket for headphones and then he put them on Rainbow and played music

"How do you know music calms him down Sabre?" Ryan asked

"He was panicking one day and music helps me calm down and I decided to try it on him and he stopped and that is why I always carry headphones for Rainbow," Sabre said

"Hey Sabre can I ask you a question?" Ryan asked

"Sure man what's up?" Sabre asked

"When he introduced himself and he was shy and you comforted him, why did you say 'babe'?" Ryan asked

"Oh the reason I said that is because Rainbow and I are dating," Sabre said

"Hey guys," Unicorn Mann said

"S-Sabre," Rainbow said as he saw Unicorn Mann walking up from his lab

"Come here babe I'll protect you," Sabre said

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