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Before you start reading; there will be mentions of things that could be triggering, but won't be added until further through the parts, and I'll put little messages like this at the start of those parts that do mention them! This is currently the reality of what I'm going through, so I'd advice you to be cautious when reading those parts. Enjoy! <3

I can't sleep, I'm in so much pain... but it's the first day of school tomorrow, which I'm dreading. To make it worse, we have our A levels in around a month so the next few weeks are just going to be a lot of studying and stress. I'm not looking forward to this. I grab my phone to look at the time - Sunday, 14 April, 11:42pm. I browse Instagram for a while and notice Amy's active so I message her. 'hey i know it's very early but can you call for about five minutes? i'm in a lot of pain and i really need to speak to someone :( xx'. She responds almost instantly and calls me. After around twenty minutes, we end the call and I watch YouTube until I fall asleep.

I'm awoken by my alarm a little while later. I check my phone and notice I've missed a couple of calls from Janette. I quickly put my shirt, jeans and tie on, brush my teeth, nip downstairs to grab breakfast and rush back upstairs to call Janette back and put my makeup on.



"You okay? Amy told me you were in a lot of pain last night so I tried to call you but I think you fell asleep by that time."

"Yeah, I did, sorry. I'm still in a little pain but not as bad as last night. I'll explain more when we're in school. How are things with you and Aljaž?"

"I've not spoken to him that much, he was on holiday to Morocco for two weeks but I finally get to see him again. What subjects do you have today?"

"Uhm... English, PE, Maths, Art, and Spanish in that order."

"Oh, I'm not looking forward to Maths."

"Neither. Didn't we have homework?"

"Yeah, I think we did."

"Shit," I say under my breath.

"Mhm... I think I've done it all wrong, I really struggled."

"I've only done about half..."

"Did we have any other homework?"

"Uh.. don't believe so. I just have Spanish and Maths... Hopefully, since we're revising, we won't get homework for the next few weeks. Oh no..."

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find my English book..."

"Did you leave it in English?"

"Probably. Please say we didn't have homework."

"Uhm.. let me check..." She goes quiet for a few seconds. "No, it's due tomorrow. We didn't have too much, only a page of something so I reckon you'll have it done by tomorrow."

"Thank god, at least I'll have time after school to do it. Right, I've got to go get ready and get the bus and such. I'll see you in English!"

"Bye!" she says before ending the call. I look at the time and it's 8:10 am so I grab my blazer and put it on, grab my bag to check I have everything in it, grab my phone, run downstairs and head to the bus stop. I've forgotten my headphones so I guess I'm not listening to music today. I sit at the bus stop and wait for it to arrive. It arrives ten minutes later. It's twenty-two minutes past eight and the journey's half an hour... will I make it in time? I hope so, I'd like to see everyone before I get into class. 'hey, on the bus now so might be late xx' I text Carys and Amy. 'i'll look after ur seat if u are :) xx' Amy texts back.

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