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There is a brief mention of a broken knuckle and panic attacks during English, and a flare up during History... if you don't like that stuff, I'd recommend skipping past that subject!

My first subject of the day is Spanish! I've been learning more during the holidays on Duolingo so hopefully my exam should be easier! I'm also learning Welsh, but I can easily tell the difference... and there is a high chance there won't be any Welsh in a Spanish exam! There's only twelve of us, so it's a pretty small class! I sit on the right of the class with Amy next to me, AJ and Cameron in front of me, the gorgeous Kai and Gorka behind me, Nadiya and Karen to my left, Carys and Janette are in front of them and Jowita and Gio are behind them. We're going over school subjects and this is one of the main subjects I focused on so this should be pretty easy! "What does 'yo escribo mucho con un boligrafo en mi clase de Espanol' mean?" Mrs Lees asks the class. I know it straight away but don't put my hand up. Nadiya does instead. "I write.. a lot with... a pen in my... Spanish class?" Mrs Lees nods then looks at me. "Ash. What is... 'No me gusta mi clase de Ingles'?" Oh look, one I can actually relate to! "I don't like my English class." AJ laughs.

It's time for Maths and I really hope the same thing doesn't happen from Monday. We're doing algebra today. I swear we change subjects every day - one day it'll be algebra, the next it'll be triangles or something... I have no idea what we done on Monday, so we could be continuing that or doing something completely different. I manage to do a solid two and a half pages, which is quite good for my standard - usually I write only a sentence - before getting distracted and drawing in the corners of my book. I turn to the end of the book and find some more work to do. At least I understand it and somewhat enjoy it, so may as well do more and revise it? Will I even need it and am I just wasting my time? Who knows. I write another full page and I'm quite proud of myself, if I'm honest. I chuck everything into my bag and head into the canteen with Dianne, even when I know I'm not going to eat anything.

The bell goes a little while later for PE. It's quite cold so I put my hoodie on. The boys are in shorts?! Why?! Giovanni, Jake, Luba, Nikita, AJ, Oti, Gorka, Cameron, Kai, Neil and Karen are playing football, and the rest of us are playing rounders. I'm terrible at hitting the ball... in both games! Amy says she's not feeling too good so we decide to team up - she hits the ball while I run... not very fast but we're still cooperating at least! Graziano is on the corner I need to run to first, Janette is on the one opposite me, and Aljaž is on the home stretch. Katya throws the ball at Amy, and she hits it quite far so we all run while Carys, Jowita, Johannes, Dianne and Nadiya try to catch the ball. Aljaž and Janette make it, but I'm now where Janette was and Graz is on the home stretch. We play through a few rounds before switching.

Before we know it, we can go back inside.. finally! Kai catches up with me. "I don't want to go into English," he complains. "Neither do I. I just want Miss Taylor to be gone," I say while sighing and leaning against the wall that faces the school across the road. I look up at him and he gets closer to me then suddenly my lipstick is ruined again!! I should really stop wearing it, or at least as much so then Kai doesn't magically get any on his lips.

We're five minutes late to English. Miss Taylor is going to kill us but I don't care. I've had enough of the class and her. Plus I don't even have an exam so what's the point of doing it? We walk from the stairs to the door holding hands, then I point out that he has lipstick over his lips. He tries to get rid of it but if anything, he makes it worse. I open the door and Miss Taylor looks over at us. "Where the hell have you two been?" Nice to see you too! "PE," Kai says while closing the door and tries to discreetly wipe the rest of the lipstick off. "So was everyone else, but they got here on time. Sit down. I don't have time for this, or your stupid complaining to Mr Jamieson over nothing except attention and lies." I glare at her and sit next to Amy. Giovanni's down at Gorka's seat for whatever reason. "Why the hell would you say or do that?!" Gio yells. "I'm not!"

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