School Start! - Group

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The campus had been packed since around 10 this morning, and had no signs that the influx of students was going to slow down at all. This was to be expected, though, it was time for the students to return from their summer break.

Avi had gotten there pretty early in the day, as he'd spent the night before at his sister's, who only lived about thirty minutes off of campus. It gave him the advantage, as he was the first to the dorms, and could get first pick of the rooms. He counted them, six. He was getting five roommates this year. It was the start of a long day, so he picked his room, at the end of the hall leading out into the kitchen, so that he could start unpacking before the others started to arrive.

He was pretty confident that if he happened to get first-years in this dorm, they'd be the last ones in, as they had an orientation for non-returning students, meaning hopefully the others would be a bit closer to his age. 

That's when the next arrived. Avi didn't even have to leave his room to check before a voice was yelling down the hall.

"Hey, new roomie! Anyone else here, or did I beat you all to it?" He joked, meeting Avi in the kitchen. The bearded man reached out a hand for a handshake, instead getting pulled into a hug. That was different. "I'm Matt, second year. Who, my man, are you?" he asked once he'd let Avi go. He was taller than Avi, and laughed when he heard the man speak. Finally someone with a voice deeper than his own!

"Avi. Fourth year student." He introduced himself in a similar fashion to Matt, though he was definitely a lot more tempered. "So far, it's just us, but from the room count, there's going to be up to six in here."

"I hope we get a cute girl. I was with all dudes last year. It was cool but too much testosterone." Matt joked. Avi chuckled, not finding the joke very funny but wanted to be polite.

"Yeah, I just wouldn't say something like that to her." Avi added in, wanting to be friendly, but also knew if they did have a female roommate a comment like that probably wouldn't be a very welcoming thing to here. "I went ahead and grabbed the room on the left end of the hall, but since no one else is here, I guess the rest are up for grabs." He suggested. Matt of course took his offer, and went to go put his stuff into one of the unoccupied bedrooms before coming back out to the main kitchen.

"So, what're you studying, man? Seems like a computer guy, aren't you?" Matt asked, which made Avi laugh again.

"No, no. I'm a music man, classical to be precise. Can barely get past the google home screen." He assured his new roommate.

"Yeah, I think you'd have a great singing voice, melt the ladies with that voice. I'm studying sports science, missed getting drafted for pro basketball by a hair." he sighed, and this was the first genuine moment Avi had seen from Matt. This guy was clearly used to using a front to protect himself. Hopefully he would lower it around his flatmates.

"That's rough. You never know, a lot of people look at college players." Avi added, hoping to lift his spirits a bit. They'd ended up talking for a bit longer, though it was mostly just small talk, and Matt did most of the talking, Avi didn't mind. They were cut off short, as from the noise of keys in their front door, the next person had decided to show up.

"And, there's more!" Matt joked, the door pushed open to another man, closer to Avi's build, though he was a few inches taller than him.

"Hello, you two must be the other residents." The man smiled, and it definitely made a difference in his face. It looked as though he was made to always be smiling. "I'm Kevin, Kevin Olusola." He greeted them.

"Well, I'm Matt Sallee. And that's Avi I-don't-know-his-last-name." Matt greeted, taking Kevin's hand to greet him once again.

"Avi Kaplan." The bearded man put in, "feel free to grab a room." He assured them, but they didn't have much time before there was yet another knock.

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