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Requested by Raven5555

Kirstin laid in the large hospital bed, looking even paler against the white, paper sheet. Her boyfriend laid in next to her, the woman's head on his chest as they often found themselves, waiting for the others. Scott, Mitch, and Kevin had gone home to shower and eat, but Avi refused to leave her side. 

Stirring, groggily, her eyes fluttered open to look up at the man. Her eyes closed once again, groaning at the bright florescent light making her head skin. That surgery had made her feel far too weak to do that. 

"A-Avi?You there?" She asked quietly. The male nodded rapidly before he spoke up, 

"Yeah, i'm here, baby. I got you." He responded, leaning sown to kiss her forehead. 

"D-did it go well?" He soft tone asked fearfully. She had just gotten her port put in place for chemo, and needed to know if it had gone well. 

"Mhmm. Doctors said it was a standard procedure. You're gonna fight this." He smiled down at her, earning a relieved sigh. Thank god. It was only a few moments later the nurse walked in, questioned how she felt and began to insert the needle into her arm to begin the first round of medicine. 

Surprisingly, the action of taking in the medicine was painless. It wasn't like the movies where the women would cry in agony, but rather just tiring. Kevin was the first to arrive back at the hospital, occupying her left side. 

"Hoe ya feeling, Dirst." He chuckled, using the nickname he'd created for her. 

" 'm good." She mumbled quietly, patting his arm gently with the strength she had. The man smiled at the couple, before telling her it was fine if she couldn't respond.

"We all know you're really tired sweetheart. Why don't you get some rest?" The bearded male asked, looking down at his partner with a soft smile. 

The woman shook her hear lazily, frowning. "Wait for boys." She explained. Avi smiled, shaking his head fondly. Even in sickness this horrid, she would still sacrifice everything to see her friends smile. 

As soon as they were mentioned, the duo rushed inside, hugging their friend. Scott even cracked a few bad jokes to get a chuckle out of her, soon enough, she fell asleep once again, cuddling into Avi's arms, with Kevin's larger hand holding hers daintily. Once she was finished and allowed to go home until her next, and what was the start of quite a few, hospital visits, she awake and alert as her usual bubbly self. 

Her melodic laugh enchanted the others as she smiled at Scott, making yet another pun. 

"Why couldn't the bike stand up? It was 'two tired' " he laughed, making the others groan while Kirstie chuckled along. He was still the same goody kid she had met when they were eight. Yep. Life was good. And hopefully, it would be for years to come. 

Kirstin was only twenty-one. She should be out, laughing with friends, finishing up her college degree, but life had a different plan for her. Whatever world above her, if any at all, had planned for this to happen to her. And she knew damn well lymphoma wouldn't take her life. She had dinner laughing and talking with her family jn the home they all shared, but of course, it couldn't last forever. 

The effects of chemo started creeping in, and she felt herself aching all over, getting incredibly hot. Found her best not to spoil the evening it was only obvious to the others when her stomach lurched, vomiting into the bucket Kevin had set up, knowing this would become. 

Avi, who was closest to ger on the couch, leaned to move her hair back, typing it into a messy bun while Scott rubbed her back comfortingly. After she was sure nothing more would come up for at least a few minutes, Mitch and Kevin left to clean out the buck for the next round and get her some water and Advil. 

"It's all okay, Kit," Avi promised as Scott nodded in support, loading in a Disney movie, The Lion King. They all needed a pick up after that. The rest of the night was full of a lot of sick stomachs and retching. Each of the boys had their turn of cuddles with the smallest person of their friend group. Slowly, the numbers dwindled until Avi was the only one, the others having dozed off in different places in the living room. 

"Love you, Kitten." He whispered, his eyes unable to be kept open as he started to sleep as well, confident that she was done vomiting for a while. 

"Love you too, Dragon." She giggled. For a while, she was okay and slept once again herself, but soon she woke up with a small groan, stomach-turning. A hand flew to cover her mouth as she wanted to stay quiet. The others had already done so much for her, she didn't need to keep them awake. 

Eventually, she stood up, grabbing a few extra blankets and headed to the bathroom, just in time for another wave of sickness to hit her. It was no telling how long she was left on the bathroom floor, throwing up until she thought there was nothing left, only to be proven wrong. 

"Kirst? What's wrong?" A deep voice rumbled, Avi, moving to sit beside her, moving back her hair. He rubbed comforting circles into her back until she had finished, eyes barely able to be kept open, she crashed into his chest, crying. 

"Kirstie, why didn't you come to get someone?" He asked her, cradling the girl in his arms. "You know we would have helped."

"You've done too much." She managed to jumble out at once in between sobs, making Avi just able to catch it. "Didn't wanna bother." 

"Oh, sweetpea." He whispered. "You always get one of us, okay? You're not a bother at all. We all love you so much, I love you so much, and I can't lose you to this. Okay?" He asked, his eyes filling with tears. Avi had only cried twice in his life, and now his second and third time was in the same week. Her diagnosis and now. The small mention that this may take her from him was enough to bring tears to his eyes. 

"You won't. I'm strong. Promise." She mumbled, curling into him. " 'm sorry. Get you next time."

The man nodded, bringing her closer as they both dozed off, wrapped in blankets on the bathroom floor. They had the occasional wake-up call for Kirstin to throw up, but that's how they were found in the morning. 

Scott and Kevin searched for the two, to see Kirstie curled against Avi's chest, a smile on her face. 

She was smiling because she knew she would beat this. She could beat this with her boys at her side. 

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