Chapter 1: his fall

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*Reki pov*
It was 10am and I was already 30 minutes late to meet with Langa, but my mom had insisted on me eating breakfast. I quickly downed my food like usual and headed out the door with my skateboard.

Langa was right at my door, standing their with a worried look, had I forgotten to tell him I woke up late? He immediately dropped this head, slowly looking back up, as his eyes laid on me "thank god you are okay" he said with a loud sigh of relief, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry" I said, my breakfast still being chewed. Langa got up, we did our handshake, and headed to our regular spot.
S is only opened at night so during the day, we skate under a road, or bridge, that has high and wide room. It's a place for us to practice high jumps and balancing on railings.

After a couple of hours of practicing, it was time for lunch. My mom always packed lunch for both, langa and me even though he already had his own, so I pulled out the backpack that rested right to the side and unzipped it. There were two small meat buns and two bottles of water including his hamburger his mom had packed for him. Langa really likes food so my mom had also packed him an extra rice ball, which we split.

After lunch, Langa seemed more tired than usual, "you okay? Did you sleep at all last night?" I asked as he leaned his head against the concrete that stood behind us, his eyes closing. "Yeah, just not a lot", he said in his honest tone. I could tell he was drifting off as he was just speaking to me, he was out like a light within the next 10 minutes. It didn't seem right to skate without him and I could have possibly woken him up, but I didn't want to do that. I sat there, next to him as he slept, sneaking small peaks at his face every minute or two.

His head had fallen to my shoulder and it scared me a little, just a small jump of the heart, definitely from fear and shock. As I thought this, a slight blush came across my face, something I couldn't reason with, I knew I had liked Langa since the day I had almost beat Ad*m, Langa's confidence in me is the reason I fell, and I fell hard. The restless nights I get wondering if the feeling in my chest would ever go away, if getting over a crush would be easier than expected, if Langa would ever know my feelings for him. I sat there, trying to keep my breathing steady and not wake him, he latched on to my arm, he moved his body closer to mine in attempt to get more comfortable.

My heart raced as his thigh pressed up against mine, I was too scared to move. His head was now practically on my chest, his arms hug around my left arm, and his legs curled up on top of mine, he looked so cute. I gently raised my right arm and reached for his hair, the slight stroke had startled him forcing his eyes open. My hand had pulled away, raised just above his head, a light blush spread on my face. "H-hey!" I said quickly as I turned my face away, flushed with embarrassment. I felt Langa's gaze on the back of my head as he laid his head back on my chest, only to fall asleep once again.

Once Langa had officially woken up, I decided it would be best if we had just went home. We skated back to my house, we didn't really talk on the way there. Once we arrived at my house, we went to my room and read some skating magazines. Me in my chair and Langa in my bed.

It was right at 3 when I turned towards my bed, finding langa dead asleep with him barley holding on to the magazine. I didn't want to wake him, his sleeping face looked so at peace as if he had no care in the world. I leaned in closer, until I realized it was dangerous, what if I couldn't control myself? I got scared, pushing myself back quickly and accidentally falling out of my chair. I hit my back on my wall, rubbed my head, and opened my eyes to a very concerned langa rolling out of my bed as quick as possible. As he made his way over to where I was, he stumbled looking just as worried as he did when I went against Ad*m for the first time. "Reki! Are you okay what happened!?" He said as he got closer, I gave him a smile of reassurance. He sighed and hung his head down, I laughed a bit guilty.

He had been really worried about me and my well being for a while and I'm not sure why, I guess he just isn't used to taking care of someone and feels the need to care for me.

Chapter 1 is short because I just wanted to get the story started, I promise to make chapter 2 longer.
If you like the story thank you :)
(I did edit this btw)

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