Chapter 2: mr. loverman

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Reki's POV
It was around dinner time when we started talking about past relationships, not quite sure how we got on the subject. Langa goes on and on about this girl who stalked him when he was in Canada, he eventually gave in and dated her but it wasn't actually a real relationship, just to get her to lay off him. She moved on a week later and they had broken up the second she found another guy.

I, on the other hand, had never had a crush or been crushed on, I guess I was just too average. I never found interest in anyone when I was younger, I was too focused on skating that I never payed attention to other people, until I met Langa.

"What's it like dating someone?" I asked knowing that Langa hadn't really dated anyone, I just thought he would have a little more experience. "I'm not sure, clingy I guess", staring at the wall as if he was trying to think of any other words to describe it as. "What if you dated someone now, do you think it would still be clingy?" I asked wondering his response, not giving much thought to my questions.

"Well I don't know, I guess it really depends on the person", he had replied in a moderate tone. "Do you like the clingy type? What even is your type?", I asked still not paying attention to the questions. "I'm not sure I have a type, but I do currently have an interest in someone", his words surprised me more than anything, he already liked someone?

I put on a smile and acted as normal "oh so is she cute?", I asked leaving a smirk on my face though the pain in my chest kept growing. He looked at the ground a little hurt but was clearly trying to hide it, had I offended him in some way? Maybe it was some girl from Canada that he can't see anymore. "They are the cutest", a small smirk had grown on his face as he looked up, locking eyes with me, my heart skipped a beat.

We had been called into the dining room for dinner and as soon as we finished eating, we headed outside and grabbed our skateboards. We skated to our regular place and did a few tricks, nothing too special. "So what's the girls name?" I asked bringing up the topic that I wanted to leave behind, knowing I was way too curious about to just forget it. He had ignored me as if he really didn't want to answer. I let it go even though I wanted to know who stole the heart of my closest friend and current love interest. "Can you at least tell me if I know her?" I asked still as curious as before, "you do", he replied without hesitation.

The sadness and rage stirred inside me, was it some girl from school, a skating place, or maybe a regular from our store?

I let the topic go completely, I now knew that he had fallen for someone and I was nothing more than a friend.

After that day, I have been trying to distance myself from Langa more, though I didn't try to make it too obvious because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Every time we would go skating together I would cut the time short by saying I had chores at home. I just hope he didn't catch on to my avoiding him.

It wasn't his fault, it was mine for falling for the one person I could never be with, someone popular who's my best friend and a guy! I might as well give up on dating anyone in my lifetime at this point. He is my first and only love out of 17 years of my life, which is my entire life. And know since he has someone he likes I can never confess, he would just leave me for the girl he likes because nobody can reject him, he is perfect.

Now I don't necessarily hate being around Langa because it hurt to watch him and remember he has fallen for someone, but because I'm worried about getting too close to him and losing control of my body. The only way I could describe is when I'm skating on the edge of a high cliff and I'm not scared of falling, instead I'm scared of having the thought of falling and then going along with what my brain was thinking about...I'm not the best with metaphors. I'm just scared of listening to the wrong part of my body...not that part...but my heart.

People say the heart does stupid things sometimes but I don't know how that effects stupid, chaotic people like myself. I always do everything without thinking it through and now since people, who think things through, don't think love through, I'm so done for. Good god, why do you have to be so evil?

My mom walks in the room, interrupting my overthinking that was soon going to lead me into tears, with some news that made my throat close, palms sweat, and eyes widen.

"We will all be gone Friday and return on Tuesday, it's only a girls trip. You knew this for about a month and I know you have been planning to stay at the house alone for those days but I decided that you might not be eating right, sleeping right, or you might even have people over to wreck the house completely because that what teenagers do.", she let out a small laugh when saying the last part, paused, and then continued. "Anyways, I thought it might also get a little lonely so I asked a few of your relatives to watch over you", I groaned.

I didn't like my relatives, they were way too much when it came to energy even though I'm one of the most energetic people. All of my cousins are around the age of 8 which means they have the most energy and it never stops, leading me to being exhausted when visiting them, plus I'm always in charge of watching them so the parents can get a break. "No no no don't he mad, they said they couldn't watch you, they had some big end of the school year event they had to go to on another state. It's funny because it's not even for their school it's for a family friend who has a 4 year old who just finished pre school and is now moving to kindergarten and now they are having a huge party..." she trailed off once she realized she was getting way off topic.

"Sorry", she said with a guilty smile. "So I asked around a bit for some people who might be able to house you for several days and I found the perfect person, I can't believe I didn't think of her sooner, Langa's mom said she could take care of you the whole tome we are gone and would be happy to do it anytime we need!", she bounced a little with excitement, awaiting mine, which didn't come.

I was told to start packing at that very moment because I was going to be spending the night that very night. I held my breath the whole time I packed clothes for 5 days, the thought of Langa being hurt as he explained why he was so busy and couldn't make time for him.

I'm so sorry for the long wait, I'm still in school and we had a lot of testing that I had to get ready for.
Thank you for reading! I redid this chapter because it had Langa's perspective which I couldn't really get in the right headset for. Turning over to Reki's perspective again actually made the chapter longer too so...please enjoy ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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