chapter 2

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*knock, knock*

"Are any of you expecting anyone?" Dick asked. They were all in the living room. Dick was on the chandelier, Tim was busy with work from WE, Jason was reading and Damian was cleaning/sharpening his katana. "No you?" They answered/asked. Dick shook his head.

*knock, knock*

Bruce came down the stairs giving Dick a disapproving look. Dick sighed and jumped down muttering a quiet sorry and walked towards the door. The rest following behind curious as to who was opening the door.

It was Bruce who answered. He was surprised to see the princess of Asia with a suitcase and a bag. "Good afternoon your majesty, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked.

"Oh good afternoon I am princess Marinette of Asia," Marinette said. "I am looking for an Alfred Pennyworth,"

"Oh he is not here at this very moment would you like to enter and wait for him?" He asked.

"Yes please if you dont mind I wouldn't want to intrude,"

"No it will be my pleasure,"

"Thank you,"

He moved to the side and allowed Marinette to enter. Dick hyperventilated, Damian looked indifferent, Jason had on a neutral face and Tim was starstrucked. It was no secret that almost everyone in the Wayne Manor idolised and loved Princess Marinette. Dick shook her hand enthusiastically. Telling her all about how much he loved her. Tim pushed him and shook her hand telling her how much he loved her work with improving technology.

Jason pushed him away and just shook her introducing himself and bowing. Bruce apologised for his son's antics. The other 2 blushed in embarrassment and introduced themselves with bows. Damian did the same as Jason. They led her to the living room excited to have her. They talked about a lot of things well except Damian he was just staring at her.

After a bit Alfred arrived. Marinette stood up excitedly and ran to him and hugged him. He hugged back. The Waynes were surprised. "Grandfather I have arrived," Marinette stated excitedly. "Yes I see that," he said. She giggled in turn. The Waynes were in even more shock. "D-d-did you say Grandfather?" Dick asked. "Yes, Alfred Pennyworth is my grandfather, did you not know?" She asked. The shook their head. "Grandfather did you not tell them about me?" She acted hurt.

Alfred only laughed and said that it never came up. "Master Bruce I hope I am not inconveniencing you, if it's okay with you may my granddaughter stay with us?" Alfred asked. "No problem Alfred she can stay for as long as she wishes," Bruce answered. Everyone cheered. "Come Marinette let me show you your room," Alfred said.

They walked towards her room and Marinette was impressed. Yes it's not her room back in the castle but it's really nice.

She looked around and hugged Alfred

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She looked around and hugged Alfred. "I will come get when lunch is ready, "

"Actually can I come with you," she asked using her baby doll eyes.

"*sigh* of course this way"


Alfred's granddaughter ( rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now