Chapter 8: Fighting with a Phantom

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"What do you mean? Why do I not have a few days?" I asked, as the color drained from my body as the Phantom's chilling words reached my brain and heart.

"Stupid girl," he called me as he paced impatiently around the room. "You don't expect me to actually keep you here. Once I obtain Christine tonight, there will be no need for you to stay."

"What do you mean 'obtain Christine'?" I asked while my heartbeat started to go back to normal. "You don't expect her to willingly go with you, do you?"

"Why would she not?!?" A anger boiled up inside me. The rage that I had been keeping inside for so long suddenly spilled from my mouth with enough venom to kill.

"BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU! She hates you Erik; why can you not see it? Are you stupid or merely blind from love or hatred! Christine loves another man, one who isn't a killer, a kidnapper, or a mad man! He is actually kind and gentle. The complete opposite of you; and do you know why? SHE HATES YOU!!!"

Anger flashed in the Phantom's eyes, like his soul turned into a burning fire that was waiting to erupt. The anger that I could see was nothing that I have ever seen. It was more anger than I saw in my own brother's. It was pure hatred.

He turned from me and smashed a hole in his large table, then looked at me again. I knew that I was going to die, in the hands of this mad man with no one in the world to hear me scream or beg. I would die alone.

The Phantom, came close enough to my face that I could barely make out the tiny flames in his pupils; and he screamed loud enough to where my ears actually began to bleed. "YOU HOUSE A DEMON INSIDE YOUR LOVELESS HEART, AND YOU SHOULD BURN! BUT I HAVE SOMETHING MUCH WORSE IN MIND! YOU SHALL BE KILLED BY THE SATANIC MUSIC OF THE NIGHT!!!'

I became light headed and sick. My ears were ringing and my eyes began to sting. The power of this evil man's voice is so undescribable that no man, woman, or child should ever have to hear what I did. Then he punched me in the lip, so that I fell to the ground and started to vomit. "Sick, child." I heard him say before he spit on my back.

This part, the spit on my back, threw me over the edge of which I have been dangling on since the first moment he spoke to me. I grabbed all the energy inside of me and all the energy around me, and stood tall and powerfully. Before the Phantom knew what I had done (since he had turned his back to leave), I struck my fist on the back of his head. Then he turned and I hit him again and again and again. Blood was trickling from his mouth and nose, and he was bruised in too many places to count. I will be honest though, the sight of him unconcious on the ground made me feel terrible. There was something inside me that questioned every punch I threw. Why did I not feel relieved? I didn't have a chance to figure out, because I collapsed ontop of "the music of the night".

When I awoke I was really quite shocked. Instead of the miserable gloom of the foresake fortress of the Phantom, I was welcomed by the comfort of my own bed and my own room. My wounds were clean and bandaged and there was a singal rose in my hand. A singal rose that was tied in a black ribbon.

Yet, I was not able to hear the door open to see Christine walk in, I was not able to hear her call out my name with her beautiful voice, and I was not able to hear her scream my name over and over. I could not hear at all. Still I was able to read the note on my rose.

"Rest well my little song bird. I can't wait untill you get to see me again. Which will be very, very soon."

The Phantom's Admirer By: K.C.MDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora