Chapter 3: Birthday Dinner

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I saw Christine later that day, since it was early morning when the incident happened. She clearly looked distraught so I asked, "Christine what's the matter dear?" Christine looked both ways before she grabbed my wrist and lead me down a dimly lit hallway. "I don't love him Valentina, you know that don't you?" she asked me finally. It took me only a moment to understand what she was saying. I nodded my head in response. We stood there in silence for a moment before Chrisitna stomped her foot angrily on the ground. "Yesterday was the 15th wasn't it?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with the Phantom?"

"Nothing Valentina, it's just that I completely forgot to tell you happy birthday yesterday. How old are you now? Twenty?"

"Christine," I said sternly, "You know how I absolutly loath my birthday, and yes I am twenty."

"No. I actually didn't know. Please do tell why. It's not because you turn one year older is it?" Curses. Why did she have to even bring up the accursed day. I had to distract her, fast, or she shall never cease to bother me about it until I have told her all that she wants to know. "Girls!"

We both jumped as Miss. Simon came storming down the hallway, barking at us like a dog. "You are late for practice! Come with me this instant!!!" 'Oh thank Lord!' I thought as she half led, half dragged, us down the hallway. Never in my life had I ever been this happy to see the old, rude witch.


Practice didn't last long enough, for as soon as it was over Christine was back to interrogating me. "Why do you hate your birthday?" she kept asking when she saw that I was about to get emotional she stopped. "I am sorry Valentina." she muttered.

"It's alright." even though it wasn't. Her asking me those questions brought back all those memories of the night of my fourth birthday. The night I became an orphan. "None the less," Christine said straitning up, "You and I shall have dinner. If you would let me I would love to envite Raoul as well."

"Oh Christine, you don't have to do this."

"Well, nonsense. Most everything we don't have to do, but we do them anyway! Look at opera for example." was all she said before she turned on her heel and left. Just as I turned around to leave I heard her say, "Wear something pretty!"

I truged to my room to find something suitable to wear. I opened my dresser and decided to look in the back, since thats where I kept all my favourite dresses, and there it was.

A tiny white night gown, just small enough for a four year old. The flowery hem was still intact and the puffy little long sleeves were still dust free. The only color on the whole gown was the huge red blood stain on the stomach area that refused to come out, and the only hole was the one made by the gleaming knife that left a scar on my stomach that is still there today.

My face got red hot. I could feel the tears running down my face as I picked up the last birthday present I got from my parents and through it across the room. When I realized what I had done, I rushed over to it and cradled it in my arms, burying my face in to it and sobbing uncontrollably.


After calming down and cleaning my face, I chose what dress to wear. I decided on my absolute favourite, a green dress that had a black rose pattern on the bottom and arose in elaborate black swirls. I did my hair back and tied it with a black ribbon. The only thing I refused to do was makeup. I despised the stuff and only wore it in shows and sometimes to church.

When Christine saw me she gasped in awe. She looked beautiful, as usual, wearing a red and gold dress. "Valentina! You look amazing!"

"You should say the same about yourself." I chuckled.

The dinner was stupendous! Roast beef with potatoes, served with a very good gravy. I savered every bite. Raoul did end up coming, but I didn't mind. He seemed like a nice young man that anyone could tell was head over heels with Christine.

When I returned to my room I quickly changed. I went to bed and closed my eyes knowing that it would be useless, since I knew that it would just be another nightmare filled, restless sleep night.


Writers notes: hoped you liked the chapter! Sorry that it didn't have much of Erik in it though, but don't worry the next one will have plenty. c;< Until we meet again- K.C.M

The Phantom's Admirer By: K.C.MWhere stories live. Discover now