4. Circles

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The fire pit casts odd shadows to flash on everyone's faces as they sat around it. Hermione was wrapped in a quilted blanket, knees drawn up to her chest. She had Harry on one side of her, and Luna on the other.

Teddy had gone to bed nearly straight after dinner, sun exhausted and eager to wake up in the morning for his official birthday. Which would include more than enough presents, as well as another day spent on the beach before popping into town for ice cream.

Molly and Arthur, as well as Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus, had gone to bed a short while ago as well. 'Let you kids have your fun.' Arthur had said, before winking at Fred who beamed back before slipping into the house.

"How is the wedding plan coming along?" Audrey asked gently, stumbling over her words a bit from the cocktails Sirius had been mixing only a few short hours ago, as a reward for the winning team of the volleyball match.

Hermione had not been on the winning team, as she had had Fred on her team and Fred found joy in body-slamming people in the water in his attempts to hit the ball, though he often did not even come close. But it was all in good fun, and George kept score on the beach in the sand.

"Brilliantly." Ron beamed, and Luna seconded his smile with a dreamy look.

"Mum tells me it's going to be on the farm?" Ginny asked, taking a long sip of water.

Hermione let the conversation wash over her as she scanned the drinks everyone was consuming. Ginny, of course, had water though they hadn't told anyone the news yet. Harry had a beer, as well as Fred, and Angelina was sipping on a virgin seltzer.

Hermione jumped her gaze over to Audrey, to find her with a beer, and the first relaxed look on her face that Hermione had seen all day. Fleur, however, had a water bottle in her grasp and Hermione nearly blurted out her realization but bit her tongue harshly.

She moved her eyes, intending on landing them back on Luna who was explaining her color vision when she caught sight of George's eyes on her. He quirked one eyebrow, tilted his head, and mouthed a 'what?'. A beer in his loose grip was propped on his knee, though Hermione had lost count well into the afternoon.

Hermione flushed, before tapping her can in her hand. George nodded, then Hermione slyly pointed to Ginny, who just happen to take another sip of her water.

He turned back to Hermione, nodding as his eyebrows drew in together.

'Angelina' Hermione mouthed softly, pointing beside him where Angelina sat. He flicked his gaze over, and his eyes widened slightly surprised before turning to her, Hermione beamed and then pointed to Fleur.

George's eyes flew to Fleur's hands, where she was unscrewing the cap of her water bottle.

"What are you two doing?" Hermione jumped, nearly losing her beer to see Harry looking at her strangely.

"I-Uhm, we-" Hermione stuttered out, eyes darting to Ginny as she flushed ten shades of pink and her beer bottle slipped from her hand, falling to the sand.

Ron smirked, opening his mouth to prod for answers when Ginny spoke up.

"I'm pregnant!" She yelped, before slamming a hand over her mouth in horror. Hermione turned to her startled, shocked she had announced it in general but also for the nature in which she did.

"We are too!" Fred suddenly shouted before he was knocked over by a stiff arm to the shoulder by Angelina.

"Fred!" She shouted, clenching her can in her fist while Fred sheepishly pulled himself from the sand, and collapsed back in his chair.

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