5. Look Who Came To Town

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Hermione knew her first day back at work was going to be just short of hell, but she hadn't anticipated over twenty clients and even more starting tomorrow. Seemed like everyone's dog had gotten into something over the weekend, or a cat gave birth to a litter of kitties or god forbid Ms. McGonagall's poodle didn't get her nails trimmed on the same day every month.

Hermione tucked her feet in, as her bike turned down her laneway. The wind felt nice against the heat on her skin. She wasn't sunburned perse, but one could definitely tell she spent all weekend in the sunshine. She was also nursing a weekend hangover and had drank no less than four cups of coffee today. Lavender had laughed at her third one, and given her fourth to her for free.

"What the hell?" Hermione mumbled, gazing at the unfamiliar Cadillac currently sitting in her driveway. She regarded it curiously, as well as the 'bo$$-bb' on the license plate when the front door swung open just as Hermione dismounted on the sidewalk.

Coach took one look at the woman in the doorway and turned to run towards the forest line. Hermione wished she could run after him.

"Aunt Bella, I didn't-"

"I called you, three times and you never answered," Bella spoke down her nose at her niece, regarding her scrubs with a look of disgust. Hermione looked down at herself, there was a smear of blood from an ear infection on her thigh, a yellow substance on her calf from a cat with a weird pus coming out of its paw, and her top was covered in poodle hair.

"Busy Monday," Hermione answered shortly, settling her bike against the side of the house. Hermione pulled her purse out of her basket and started up the steps to see that Bella had already abandoned the doorway.

Hermione held her breath as she walked into the kitchen, dumping her purse on the table near the door. She stepped through the archway, to see a pot roast being made on the stove and a salad sitting on the table. Hermione glanced around, unable to see her woven basket anywhere when her aunt's cold voice interrupted her thoughts.

"I cleaned," Bella stated, turning to take the roast off the stove and plop it on the table.

Hermione had to take a small breath before answering. "Thank you."

Hermione moved down the hallway, heading for her bedroom. Her aunt's suitcases were stacked just inside the door, three of them. With her aunt though, she couldn't tell how long that implied for her to stay. Hermione grabbed pajamas, loose clothes, and stuff for tomorrow before dumping them in the guest room. Where the bathroom was stocked for such situations.

She changed quickly, tying her hair up before hurrying into the kitchen where her aunt was already serving dinner. Hermione eyed her plate of roast, salad, and potatoes warily before taking a seat.

"I want to see a clean plate," Bella stated, dropping the salad tongs into the wooden bowl. "And that mutt does not come in here." She peered at Hermione, awaiting her submissive nod but Hermione only hummed, spearing a potato with her fork.

"Answer me, you-"

"Why are you here?" Hermione asked, setting her fork down.

"Am I not allowed to visit my only niece?" Bella asked, placing a hand over her heart. "I own this house too, you know-"

"Your name is not on the lease." Hermione bit out, spearing another potato harshly as she scooped up her fork with shaking hands.

"I beg your pardon?" Bella asked, setting her fork down. She leaned forward, hair falling towards her plate but it was too short to crash into her salad dressing. Hermione wished it would.

"You don't own any of it. Your name isn't on the paperwork." Hermione responded, but she couldn't find the strength to meet her gaze.

"Henry was my brother-"

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