mikan was this close to screaming👌

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"and in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
watching over me,
he's singing,
'she's a, she's a lady...'
and i am just a boy who's singing,
'she's a, she's a lady..."
and i am just a line without a hook."
-line without a hook, ricky montgomery

To be honest, Mikan knew exactly why she sent the letters, instead of telling her upfront. Even if Mikan didn't want to admit it.

Mikan was terrified. Ashamed. Nervous. Scared.

Scared of loving Ibuki. Scared to see what Ibuki might say. Scared to be humiliated.

Maybe Mikan didn't really like secrets, but to be able to freely express her feelings to the one she loved, without any consequences, she was willing to keep it a secret.

Mikan tries her best to change up the handwriting, so Ibuki wouldn't notice. She imitates a font online she thought was pretty, hoping it looks accurate. Maybe next time she should type it out.

She plops the letter into a pastel pink envelope, placing final touches onto her work, before slipping into the classroom at an early time in the morning.

Tiptoeing inside the room, the purple haired girl tries to stay silent. She's nervous. Really, really nervous. It's her least favourite part of the process, but Ibuki makes it all worth it in the end.

And, her fear and shame of her feelings being outed also keeps her going, but it's not a feeling she exactly loves.

Chiaki pretends she didn't see anything.


"MIIIIIKAN!!" Ibuki placed her hands on Mikan's desk. "I got another love letter! Isn't that soooo cool?!"

Ibuki shoves the letter in front of Mikan, bouncing up and down.

"Read it!"

Mikan pretends to read the letter, her eyes glossing over the words. She's never pretended to read a letter before, but she hopes her performance was accurate.

"I-It's very... very sweet, Ibuki! You're really lucky..! N-Not that the writer isn't, um, lucky to have you!!" Mikan stutters, looking down at the letter before handing it back to Ibuki.

"Nah, it's okay, Mikan!" Ibuki smiles at her, and Mikan just wants to melt.

Ibuki glances down at the letter again, noticing small doodles of Ibuki, and a scribbled out doodle of someone else. She guesses that it'd be the secret admirer.

"WOAH!! Mikan, mikan! Look! They drew me! I think I look suuuuper cool! Dontcha think?" Ibuki gasps, revealing the small doodle Mikan drew of Ibuki.

"Y-Yeah..." Mikan looks down to her knees, a soft smile on her face, as she blushes. "You're...you're really cool."


Chiaki would tell someone right away if she saw something she thought they should know.

Usually, she would.

In this case, she didn't exactly know what to do. Chiaki had saw Mikan slipping a letter on top of Ibuki's desk.

It's not exactly her business, but Ibuki's been trying to search for little clues in each letter, analysing them carefully.

One question kept her from telling Ibuki.

Would Mikan want Ibuki to know?

Does Ibuki even want to know?

It made sense for Mikan to just write letters instead of telling Ibuki upfront. Mikan was a shy and anxious girl, always giving apologises that were undeserved, always talking herself down.

It kinda made Chiaki feel concerned at times.

Chiaki usually knew what she should do, but it was confusing. Would it hurt Mikan to tell Ibuki? Does Ibuki want it to be like some dramatic scene in a fanfiction?

The last question was probably true, but there was only one way to know.

"Hey, Ibuki?" Chiaki calls out to her, tapping her on the shoulder. Ibuki turns around and smiles at her.

"Whatddaya need, Chiaki?" Ibuki asks, leaning towards the girl.

"Say, if I happen to have found out who your secret admirer was, would you want me to tell you?" Chiaki could see Mikan in the background, her eyes practically begging Chiaki not to say a word.

"Hmm..." Ibuki presses a finger to her chin, thinking for a moment. "Nope! Not aaat all!"

Chiaki stares at Mikan.

"Um... but don't you want to know who it is?" Chiaki asks her, curiosity lacing her voice.

"Ibuki really, really, really does! Buuut!! I want them to say it to Ibuki! It's not fair for them to be exposed like that, yknow?" Ibuki answers, and Chiaki understands her.

"That makes sense. Thanks, Ibuki."

"No problem!"

Chiaki pretends she never saw Mikan.


tysm for reading this fic!! i really appreciate it!! also i had no chapter title ideas

(DISCONTINUED) ps: i really like you | ibuki x mikan Where stories live. Discover now