Chapter 2

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Killua POV:

     I've grown tired of this. Illumi always messing with my life. First he tried to bring me back to be an assassin. Next he caused his stupid pin to keep me from protecting my friends. And NOW, he had stabbed BOTH eyes of my best friend! I don't even know how I should even kill him! I want to make it the most painful I can though. "Killua, wait up!" I stopped walking, and noticed old man, with Gon on his back, and Kurapika. "Hey guys, going off with me? I'm just buying some supplies-" Gon is sleeping on his back. "I checked him." Leorio starts. "He has a concussion." I clench my fist.

     "Don't get too mad Killua. Gon isn't that bad." Kurapika states. Killua starts to yell. "B-BUT LOOK WHAT HE DID TO HIM! HE LITERALLY MADE HIM BLIND!" Gon starts to wake up. "Kil? Killua? Where are you?" Killua looks at him sadly. "See?!" Leorio decides to help Kurapika. "Killua, Gon didn't want to tell us because he knew this would be how you would react; you would want to kill Illumi and yell." Killua's face softens. "Oh...sorry Gon.." Gon smiles. "That's okay Killua! I'm fine!" Killua smiles and is happy he accepted his apology. 


     The four of them get on the boat. Kurapika sees the man that Gon, Leorio, and him saved the first day they met. "Hey! Katsuo!(I don't remember his name sorry-)" Katsuo notices Kurapika and rushes over to see them. "Hey sir!" He notices Gon. He looks kind of sad and bites his lip. Gon tilts his head. "Uh. Guys?" Leorio snaps out of it. "Oh, yeah! Gon, Katsuo's here!" Gon smiles and opens his mouth. "Really? Hi!" He says looking not exactly in his eyes, but in the direction Katsuo's at. Killua is confused. "Am I the only one missing something or-"

     "Oh Killua! This is Katsuo. Me, Leorio, and Kurapika saved him when he almost fell off the boat! Come to think of it..." Gon says. "What?" Killua asks. "I don't know, but I think another storm's coming. We should head under deck." Gon explains. Everyone nods and head under the deck. As we head under. "How big?" Kurapika asks. Gon touches his nose. "Probably WAY bigger than the day we met. I smell stronger waves than before." Killua is just looking at everyone. "Who knew Gon could sense storms." He says.

     "So where are you guys going?" Katsuo asks. Everyone looks at Killua, except for Gon. "Well, we are going to get revenge on my brother for making Gon..." He looks at him again. Gon notices that Killua meant to say 'blind' but didn't say anything. "Oh.." Katsuo answers. "When are we arriving?" Gon asks. "Most likely about 2 or 3 days. Settle down. The storm comes in 1 day. Get relaxed for now. I think the captain needs me." Katsuo says. Everyone nods. Leorio puts down Gon as Gon grabs his bag. He smiles a adorable smile as he grabs some paper and colored pencils. Killua gets curious and watches Gon, without him noticing.

     Killua could see that every swipe Gon made was with passion. Killua looks at Gon's concentrating face and blushes. He watches the paper again and sees that Gon's almost finished. He is shocked and blushing a lot when he notices that the picture was a really realistic picture of him. He gets embarrassed and moves. Gon notices that Killua was by him and blushes too, eyes also widening. "W-why me?" Killua asks. Gon is blushing a lot and looks away. "And when did you learn to draw like that?" Gon looks at the picture. "Learned it by reading. Not literal reading, but the kind of books people use when you're blind.."

     Killua smiles. He puts Gon's things away and places Gon on his shoulder. Gon gets flustered. He had realized his feelings for Killua a long time ago, he just wasn't flustered like this then. Gon hands his picture to Killua. 'So adorable.' Killua thinks. "For you." Gon said softly as he was about to go back to sleep. Killua leans on Gon's head as well. They both fall asleep. Until the next day... "EVERYONE, PLEASE STAY SEATED AS A HUGE STORM IS COMING!"

                                         To Be Continued...


Hidden Blindness//Killugon//DISCONTINUED OR BASICALLY FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now