Chapter 5

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Killua POV:

Bisky had arrived an hour earlier, but kept asking me to stop calling her old hag before she checked on Gon. I finally gave in, I really wanted her to check on him, and make sure he doesn't die.

She walks over to Gon. Gon has his head down, ashamed. The old hag walked up to him. That's when I remembered what she said to me... "You will leave Gon behind!" I shook it off as Bisky goes closer to Gon. "You okay? How're you feeling?"

"Useless." Gon said with his head still down. "I can't do anything without my eyes." He looks at Bisky. She widens her eyes. "You guys never told me he was blind!" She looks at us. Gon sighs. "I'm completely useless. I can't do anything without anyone helping me. I've been near death so many times since Illumi stabbed my eyes."

I get shocked. He stabbed his eyes?! The hell Illumi!? Why do you hate him so much?! I then look at Gon's eyes. Besides those blank white eyes, I see scratch marks that make up on his face. I didn't see them before...

"Well, I think I have a friend that can remove the pin." Bisky starts. "Or friends." She gestures to us. "Oh, wait- sorry Gon I forgot you couldn't see. I mean Kurapika, Leorio, and the problem child." I look at Bisky angered. "HUH?!" Gon chuckles nervously. "I mean, I can remove the pin. If only I was a bit stronger..." He said, putting down his head again. "You are strong, and brave, Gon." I say, meaning it.

"You mean it?" 


Gon POV:

I knew Killua meant it, but I knew I really was useless. I couldn't do anything without making sure I'm not aiming wrong or maybe even in the wrong place. Sometimes I trip over random things because I can't see. I'm extremely unhelpful!

"Gon? GON!" I snap out of my trance? "Huh? Who's there?" I here Killua's voice. "It's me, baka! what were you thinking?" 'Was that Killua?' I really can't help if I can't even tell who's talking to me..."Gon!!! Baka! Snap out of it!" Oh, that is Killua. "Sorry..." My voice trails off as I go back to my thoughts.

Bisky POV:

"He really seems down and lost in thought..." I say. I never knew this would even happen. The truth is...I can't help him. He has to have his confidence to take out the pin himself. No one can actually help him in anyway. We can help him regain his confidence, but most of this is on him.

I have to tell the truth...but I don't know if they can help him. Gon has really lost all of his meaning to live now and he may just agree to killing himself. If I told them this would break their hearts. But... "Bisky! You're lost in thought now, what the heck?!" I hear Killua scream into my ear as I snap out of my thinking trance with my hand to my chin.

"Bisky, you don't have to tell them the truth. I already know you can't take out the pin." Leorio, Kurapika, and Killua look at Gon in shock. "But- there has to be a way, right?" Killua says hopefully smiling. "There is a way, but I think it's almost impossible at this rate..." I say, looking at the down thoughted Gon.

"Well what is it!?" Leorio yells. "It depends on Gon's confidence and spirit...but it's basically gone at this point." The three of them look at the lost in thoughted Gon. " can't..." I look at him sadly. "He's given in...he doesn't know anymore..." Kurapika says. "I'm so sorry Killua..."

Gon POV:

I listen, pretending to be lost in thought. 'There is a way? And it's to get my confidence back?' I mean, if only I could win one battle, maybe that will tell me I'm not useless. If I just pushed it out and pretended to have my confidence it wouldn't work at all. I need to literally redeem myself to boost my confidence in this stupid pin.

I've made my decision. I'm gonna train, without them knowing. Train enough to kill Illumi for doing everything in his power to ruin Killua's life, and for separating me from him many times...

I found myself using my nen to sense everything everywhere in a couple weeks. I also found my normal senses helpful to hear and smell anyone near. After a month of that, I kinda was able to see again. Not literally see but I would know when something is nearby. I got used to everything around, and it was like I wasn't blind anymore. If only I could just train a bit more...Killua, Leorio, Kurapika, and Bisky are losing hope...The more they did, the more I didn't.

Two months passed. We were out of time. Killua, Leorio, Kurapika, and Bisky just decided to seee if Illumi could remove it by forcing him. I learned to use my nen. Plus if I ran out of energy, I would convert the life's nen around me to mine.

"Killua! Take me with you guys!" Killua turns around to me. " can't go...what would happen if Illumi would catch you? It would be a big disadvantage." I widen my eyes. "Bu- But-" Killua sighs. "I'm sorry. But this would be bad for us. You can't even travel there!" I feel my eyes tear up. 'Was my training for nothing? Am I really useless now?' NO, I'm not. And I'll prove it.

"Okay...Bye then..." I say trailing off my voice. I hear and feel footsteps walking away. Killua may get taken back into the family(Btw Bisky said that she was leaving in the middle of the time of Gon's training. If I added her to go with them Illumi would have already died-). I had to go. I packed my items, and headed off to the Zoldycks. 

                                      To Be Continued...


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