Chapter 10- Alone, Sick and What The Hell Just Happened?

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Chapter 10- Alone, Sick and What The Hell Just Happened?

I blindly reached out for Liam as I woke, but to grasp nothing but sheets. Where’d he go? I frowned, opening my eyes to see an empty bed beside me. I opened the curtains and glanced at the bunks across from me. All of them were empty. They had left without me. Did they all really hate me that much?

I frowned, swinging my legs over the side of the bunk and jumping down. I ruffled my knotted hair and looked over at the kitchen counter, where a note lies.

I walked over to it, picking it up.


I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful sleeping. We’ve headed to the interview, then to the signing, and then we’ll be home. There’s some cash in the kitchen drawer if you’d like to go out for lunch. Text us when you get up. Remember what I said about Harry, too. Don’t text him an apology, say it to his face.

Isabella came with us, I think Harry kind of needs her around him for a while…to help him get over you.

I love you, Autumn.

Love, Liam

P.S. Niall says Hi! :)”

I bit my lip while reading it. I grabbed my phone off the counter and checked the messages. There was one text from Zayn and one text from Liam.


Goodmorning beautiful. xx <3

I decided to ignore that text. I wasn’t really in the mood to be all couple-ish with anybody.


Hey, did you get my note? x

I replied, typing a quick ‘yes, I’m up’.

It was nearly twelve, and I looked down at my stomach just as it started growling.

I crinkled my nose. I was so hungry. I walked to the bunks and grabbed my suitcase, pulling out a pair of jeans and a tee. I grabbed Liam’s Toms and some socks. After throwing on the outfit, I grabbed some ray bans from the disguise closet and took a fifty out of the cash drawer. Just in case, you know… if there was an emergency or something.

I grabbed my phone and my earphones and turned on Taylor Swift’s song ‘Treacherous’.

Put your lips close to mine

As long as they don’t touch

Out of focus, eye to eye

Until the gravity’s too much

And I’ll do anything you say

If you say it with your hands

And I’d be smart to walk away

But you’re quicksand

I can’t decide if it’s a choice

Getting swept away

I hear the sound of my own voice

Asking you to stay

And all we are is skin and bone

Trained to get along

Forever going with the flow

But you’re friction

Two headlights shone

Through the sleepless night

And I will get you, get you alone

Confused (A One Direction Fanfiction) --completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora