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"He's the best guy ever. As a benchmark, you know?"
Maya sighed as I just stopped talking.
"You do realize that you're talking about a fictional character, right kid?"
 I knew my eyes had to be lit up. "Maya. That's why he's the best. No one existing in the real world is that good. Heartbreaking facts, but yes, that's how it works" I ended, sounding quite philosophical.
She usually blows me off, but this time she used actual words to shoot me down.
"But you cannot settle for fiction."
 "I'll settle for someone close. Happy?" What else was I supposed to say?
"Never with you girls" was her comeback.
"Well, we are very happy to hear that!" Avy exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "Kidding," she backed up her comment immediately. 
"Neil, how's that new case of yours going?"
That topic of conversation was getting out of hand.
"Let me eat my lunch completely, and then we'll talk."
It was interesting how he had to be concentrated on every single thing he did.
"The eggs aren't running away, Dad."
"It's just too yummy for me to stop eating and talk," he said with a mouthful.
"We'll just leave you to your food then." He just nodded and kept eating. We were all done.    Then, I caught Maya eying me weirdly.
"Maya, I can see that you're looking at me."
She was trying to get me to talk about something was my best guess. Because that was usually when she did that sort of a crazy thing.
"I know, I was hoping you would notice."
"What is it?"
"Nothing. You just always tell me how your week had gone. You didn't tell me this time."
Oh! That's what was going on.
"I don't know, Maya. Nothing has happened. Nothing interesting, at least. I finally got that angry guy's order correct. But the girl who's clumsy hadn't stopped being clumsy. Always spilling her latte. Hey, and Charlie showed me one of her childhood pictures. She looked so different back then. Also, my biology classes were pretty int-" I'd stopped mid-sentence.
She just kept nodding but stopped a second to ask, "What?"
"You're bored. I can see it in your face."
Clearly. As if it was written all over.
"I was really expecting something interesting; you know?" Aw.
I gave my whole week a minute's thought again.
"Yeah and the hundred times when I tried to talk and he just turned his back on me."
I could swear I saw the excitement on her face for just a second. And after she noticed that I'd noticed that, she tried to kill it.
But she still did say "Just what I wanted to hear."
Sometimes, I couldn't believe her. this was clearly one of those times.
"Really?" I sighed a little exaggeratedly.
"Nope. Who, Ash?"
"And I take it you're not going to give up."
"You know me too well. He's a mystery, Maya. I could sense that much. I'm going to unravel him."
After a moment, I felt this immense urge to justify my earlier statement with something else. "That sounded so much better in my head, okay?"
And all of a sudden, Avy's face brightened up.
"What about the fact that a guy asked you out and how you shoved it in his face?"
This time Maya didn't try to hide it. At all.
"Really, kid? You hide that from me?"
"Maya, that exactly isn't a thing you tell your Mom."
I was being completely honest in that part.
"Nice pass, Decker," Neil appreciated.
"I take after you, Neil. Obviously."
I hurriedly washed off the plate and put it in the dishwasher. Then I sprinted up and down the stairs. Avy caught my arm and almost swung me into her own face.
"What the hell was that?" I asked her, pulling back my wrist.
I had to check if she'd left any bruises. "Why are you running here and there? It's not like you got a hot date or something."
Oh, God. I was never going to hear the end of that.
"Wow. You're never going to let this go, are you?"
She wagged her head from one extreme to the other smiling wide like an idiot.
"Nada. Anyway, what's the rush?"
"I'm hitting the library."
Her jaw fell to the floor. "You've been going all huff-puff for the library?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, first I forgot my book, then I forgot my coat. So, I had to go up and down. You coming with?"
"No," she said with extreme promptness. I saw that coming.
"Please?" I tried something which I'd never done before. I tried putting on the so-called cute face. I curled my lower lip outwards.
She pinched my cheeks and rested her hands on my face. Holding me in her gaze, she said, "Nice try. Not going to happen." I sighed and made a puckered face at her.
"Fine, bye," I said rather reluctantly.
It's not like I really wanted her to come along. I loved being alone. Just that she would also read for some time along with me. I tried. 
"Happy reading" Neil called.
I gave a thumbs up and left. The library wasn't much crowded. I was going through the ancient myth sections when a book caught my eye. Mainly because it was glowing. 'Tale of Tak.' Interesting title. I didn't know how, but I was sure it was having some weird kinds of waves around it. Like it had its own aura. Even though I always believed that every book had its own life and essence, I really didn't pitch on that idea to be a reality. The auras. They existed only for living things. But this book had an aura. And it was special. I could sense it somehow. I could see only that one book. Everything else faded out. In a daze, my hand went up. I was reaching for the book when someone jerked my hand back. And the spell shattered. It felt like I came out of a dream. When I looked back at that book, its aura was gone. Poof! That was unbelievable. And I was diagnosed clear of my head when I fell on it as a kid. So, that wasn't an assumption. It had happened.
"You don't want to touch that book."
My head snapped towards the one talking. It was the guy who'd asked me out in the school a few days back. I gave an exasperated sigh.
"What are you doing here?" I knew my voice sounded irritated. I very much wanted it to.
"That book's corner was sharp enough for you to have had a bad paper cut," he said, almost mumbling. I noticed it then. Oh, he was trying to help.
"Th-thanks." I didn't look him in the eye.
"Don't mention," he said with a small smile. And I kept walking. He followed.
"Why did you want that book? The Legends of Latin?" I stopped in terror more than frustration. I turned back to him.
"What did you say?" I might've sounded scary because he took a step back. 
"I just asked you about the book." He looked a little freaked but nothing compared to my own fear. I couldn't comprehend the reason for this amount of fear pounding through me but I was definite that it wasn't going to go away anytime soon.
"Yeah, what did you say the title was?"
I could be trembling a little too. Though I wasn't really aware of anything except that prickling sensation.
"The Legends of Latin? It's a good one. Nice pick."
But I saw the title as something else. 'Tale of some weird word'. I went back to where the book was. Shock coursed through me. It wasn't there. Had I hallucinated the whole incident them? Wow, what was happening? I really needed some air. But first, I had to get this guy off my back.
"Hey, I thought I made it clear to you. I'm not interested." 
"Why not? You're the geeky type, sure. Otherwise, you wouldn't be spending your weekend in the library. And I am too. Clearly." Was that really it, though? Nuh-uh.
"It's not about that. I just don't want to get in any of that mess. Just...leave me be, all right?" That wasn't the entire truth. I would happily get into that mess with the right kind of guy. Mysterious, good-looking, tall, and sweet were some basic qualities I'd had listed out. I didn't have it fully figured out. But I always thought I would have it completely when I met him. Clearly, this wasn't him. He shrugged and started walking away.
"We'll see about that" he'd muttered.
Or so I heard. But I didn't care to stop him and interrogate him. Instead, I picked up some other book and went to a table. Placing my book and phone on the desk, I pulled up the chair and sat. I had to drag myself off from the thoughts about that weird book. And this was the best solution I could come up with. Tagging along with my pen and book, I immersed myself completely in the world of science. I loved science. How can't anyone? It was intriguing. Everything goes about a theory, an implication, and experiments. Being a fiction reader, I had two sides to myself. Loving fiction and also believing that everything was based on logic and explanation. It was how I was. Contradicting likes. I switch off the second part when I'm reading the first. Though it was a lot of time, it didn't feel enough. I finally could tear my eyes off from the book. And what lies in plain sight.
He was sitting in one of the wooden chairs. Looking deeply into two books in front of him, both of them pretty old. The pages were folded and also were half-torn. Sort of. His head kept moving from one to another. Seemed like he was comparing the information. This guy was for real? He was comparing the ancient texts? Oh, God. But that was still my guessing. I silently walked up to him. I thought he would look up at me and walk away. But he didn't even notice I was standing there. Goddamned concentration. Just like Neil. I stood right in front of him, peering into the books. They were quite intriguing. Both were of different languages. What the hell was he up to? It was already like Greek to me because of the way I was looking at it. So, I went behind him and looked over his shoulder. I tried to read it. But it was truly super hard to even decode what language it was.
"You're definitely a freak," I said. He jumped from his chair and nearly fell.
"What did I tell you about not sneaking up on people?" He looked genuinely furious.
I was busy stifling a laughter to notice anything else.
"Okay. I got no defence this time. I was sneaking."
He gave me a look which ranged between what-is-wrong-with-you to I-want-to-kill-you. I gladly settled for the least limit.
"I figured that. But why?"
"Because the books looked interesting and it would have helped if I knew that language. What is it?" I answered, helping him up.
I didn't think he would take my hand though. Goosebumps rose all over my body, including my face.                                                           
He sighed. "You're still talking to me?"
I felt like punching him. I rolled my eyes. "Guess so."
"How many times do I have to lash out on you or not talk to you to make it clear that I have nothing to do with you?"
I was going to break it to him. He had a right to know that I wasn't going to leave him just because he stated that he didn't want to talk to me. Also, at the moment, I was scared to be alone. Thinking, I answered him saying, "Till your patience wears out."
I was walking behind him. His strides were quite long and fast.
"Fine. What do you want?"
I felt a bit offended, although I wasn't clear why. "Would you talk to me only if I wanted something?"
"Of course. Why would I talk otherwise?"
"Because that's how friendships work?!" That was the best I could come up with. How do I answer questions like that? How does anyone? He's not an open person, I get it. Which made him that much interesting. Why? How? What happened? The questionnaire could go on. Maybe being interested in this type of guy was cliched, but I couldn't help it. My life being a
part-mystery to me, I was in a constant search of answers wherever I find questions. Additionally, there was a constant feeling that I knew him. Somehow deep inside, he and I had a connection. Was that crazy? Just like the book thing?
"We're acquaintances" he pointed out, with a glare.
"Ouch," I said out loud.
It wasn't like I'd known him too long. Just that I knew him too well.
"You're so...." I trailed, searching for the right word. Anything that struck me didn't seem to fit. "Impossible?" he offered.
"Exactly." My face might have given away the confusion running in my mind.
Because his next words were, "Yeah. I'm used to it. So, yeah."
"Maybe that's your cue that you should, you know, repaint your attitude."
He faced me reluctantly. "What do you need?" Whatever warmth was left in his eyes before, it was all gone. The ice I associated with, came back. 
"Jeez, grump. Nothing. I was just trying to make conversation. A new friend, perhaps."
"You got the wrong guy" he declared and stormed off. Just like the hundred times before where I was still in the small talk area.
"Oh, you're so the right guy" I confirmed myself, looking at him walk away. I wasn't the type who went down without a fight. At least, a try. I'm getting through to him. I decided then and there. He did put me off. But it wasn't his fault. I didn't know how I knew that either. He just doesn't feel like a rude guy. He was being a jerk on purpose. Otherwise, he wouldn't have helped me with the Math homework the other day when I was struggling in the canteen. Nor he would have been talking to Pearl about how her family was. He did so many things which would make anyone reconsider the type of person he was. Good for me, I hadn't settled on an opinion yet. I never do, not that fast. I looked around and decide to go back. It was past dinner time and Maya was true to our deal. Never call me when I was in the library. I promised her I would be safe. This was one place where I could be myself. Calm. Peaceful. And all alone without any empty feeling. Well, me and the book. I always felt so good after coming out of the library.
I headed towards home; someone fell in step with me.
"What are you still doing here?" I asked, surprise clear in my voice.
"It's a wrong time for you to be alone. For anyone to be alone. This neighborhood isn't very safe." What appalled me was the way he sounded. So flat. But his eyes, those eyes, dammit. They give away everything. 
"You really are impossible," I said again, with a sly smile.
He looked at me, confusion written all over his face. "What did I do now?"
Perplexity looked pretty on him.
"You're being nice to me. After an eternity of iciness. Seems like a little out of character for you." My eyes narrowed. So did his. That wasn't entirely true. Even he knew it. He'd been nice to me before too. But they were tiny gestures. He wouldn't have noticed.
"I just... You know what? Never mind."
And we walked in silence. He looked glad that I wasn't talking. Though it stung a bit, I let him have it. When we reached my house, he cleared his throat.
I turned back.
"I really am sorry about that day."
I smiled lightly. "Which day, exactly?"
"Couldn't have accepted the apology normally, huh?" he asked, also smiling a little.
"Finally. You said something other than 'go away' or 'none of your business' and stuff like that." He was looking down at his feet then. Nice shoe choice.
"Well, why didn't you?"
"Be more specific."
"Why didn't you stay away?"
Oh, that. "Honestly? You're the first guy who's a nerd and good-looking."
His head snapped up and it felt like my face was on fire.
"I mean, you're okay. Not bad. I mean, not too bad. But..."
I got a full grin from him. "Now, actually be honest. Why?"
He was too serious for me to pretend to joke and miserably fail again.
"I don't know, dude. I thought you needed another ear to listen to you. Another pair of eyes to actually look at you. Needed a person who didn't know you inside out so that they could understand you from a new perspective. That's why. I wanted to be that person."
I didn't think anyone got him like that before. His next words confirmed my doubt.
"What made you think that?"
I shrugged like the answer was obvious. "Let's just say my gut instinct is very good."
He nodded stiffly and was on his way. I couldn't help but think about the sincerity in his voice. And mainly in his eyes. He had actually meant the apology. And that was something, coming from Mr. Acquaintance. I laughed at myself for that name I'd cooked up. He wasn't the kind of guy who would do something like this to win a girl over. Hell, he wouldn't even accept my friend tag. He wasn't a complicated person. He just wanted people to think he was. Feeling like I was trying to read him much more than necessary, I dropped it. Immediately my mind went to that strange book. Was it possible that the book glowed and only I could see that? Being a huge fiction fan, I had a million reasons to believe that what I saw and felt was true. Maybe I was being over in my head. Maybe I wasn't. I needed to talk to someone about this. Who would listen to me without labeling me crazy? Neil. Ah, the best. He was an archaeologist. He must be knowing about myths, about whatever that 'Tak' was supposed to mean. Of course, Googling would be easy, but I liked to hear stories from Neil. He was the best at story-telling. I went to the drawing-room. Obviously, he was there with a relic under the microscope. I went near him to take a look. It was beautiful. It was a small rock. Or something close. It had really weird inscriptions though. When he noticed me, he took it away? That never happened. Maybe he was cranky. I looked up at him. With his big glasses on, he always looked funny.
"You should get rid of the glasses. Make you look older."
Just a failing attempt at lighting the mood.
"I know. But I can't help it. What brings you here?" Then he looked at the clock behind me. "Wait, why are you still up?"
The Dad in him woke up.
"There's something I need to ask."
"Do you know something about the 'Tak'?"
He chuckled uneasily. So easy to tell.
"What under? Under what? Under earth? Underwater? What? What are you asking about?" He was becoming hyper. He was somewhat trembling too. I didn't understand. Why did he react like that? Realization struck. I never said the word 'under'. What was he rambling about? Could that mean he knew something about it? He might've seen a glint of comprehension on my face. Because he sorts of snapped at me.
"Would you go sleep now? It's late!"
"Jeez, alright. Have a glass of water. It's nothing. Sorry, I interrupted your study. Night, Neil."
He did as I asked him to and spoke no further. On my way up to my room, it came clear to me that 'under' was something very dangerous. Something I wasn't supposed to know about, perhaps. This wasn't something I was going to let go of either. I reached my room. Pushing myself into the bathroom, I brushed. Came out and changed into PJs and tucked myself in.


Waking up to an amazing sun in your room is the best way of waking up at all. But waking up next to Avy? Hell no. Also, how did she end up here? I wanted to wake her up, ask what she was doing here, but she looked too deep in sleep that I didn't want to disturb her. I slowly got off my bed, freshened up, and got out of my room. It was dead quiet in the hall. Actually, the whole house. I went down the stairs and looked around. They weren't up yet. I looked in the backyard. No Neil or Maya. When I looked at the time, I knew why. It was barely six. I had this what most called an annoying habit. I woke up very early sometimes or slept really late. I personally prefer being a night owl. But sometimes Neil checks on me. I mostly pretend to be asleep ad manage to actually drift off. I went to the front to check for mail. There was a little puppy on my porch. It was sleeping. Honestly, it looked cute. But I wasn't a pet person. So, I didn't lie about it very much. It wasn't my fault that I wasn't fond of animals. I just wasn't. Giving it as minimal thought as possible, I was turning back when something caught my eye. That pup had a collar around its little neck. It belonged to somebody. The brat had run away from its home then. I looked around for anyone who would look like they're searching for their pet. But there was no one. Except, there was a man across the street looking directly at me. He wasn't familiar. Was this his dog? If it was, he would have come over by now. There was a great chance it wasn't his. Then why was he looking at me? I thought of going back in when he started talking to me."Ira," was all I could decipher from the way his mouth was moving. When I rubbed my eyes and looked there again, he wasn't even looking at me. He was just cleaning his front yard. What was happening to me? Why was I imagining stuff? Probably because I needed more sleep. But what if that wasn't it? Weird stuff happens every day. Right? I felt a slight shudder spike up my spine. I thought of going back in, but it was so peaceful outside that instead, I got a coffee, my books, glasses and settled there on the porch. The chilly wind and the sun were the perfect combinations. Slight cold and little warmth. When I looked up from the book, I felt like nothing could make that morning any more perfect. The light sun falling around everything like a golden cape. Just beautiful. It was almost seven, I went back inside and woke Maya up.
"What is it with you and mornings?" she groaned.
"I'm going for a jog." Her eyes fluttered open then.
"You're going for a what?" she asked, wide awake in an instant.
"A jog. Not intense, I promise." I could understand her fear but I really needed this.
"Why are you making me say this? Your health condition doesn't support jogging and you know it, kid."
"I assure you, just a little. I miss it and the climate's too good. Bye."
" safe!" She sounded so reluctant that I almost didn't want to go. But I couldn't just leave jogging. Just in case, a warning popped into my head. Old habits die hard indeed. Picking up my inhaler, I headed out. The almost warm air cracked against my face and just then, I experienced a minute of pure bliss. I missed this part of me so much. It struck me only now. I went towards the park. There was hardly anyone there. I jogged about four rounds when I had to stop to catch my breath. My vision started to blur out a little. I panicked a little. I saw a bench and siphoned all the last of my breath and energy into my legs and sat there. I hung my head back and gasped for breath.
"Just breathe. Keep breathing. Don't think about anything," someone was saying. Even the voice was muffled. After too many breaths, I opened my eyes. Everything around me seemed still. That was a sign that I was okay. There was a hand on my shoulder. I took it and thanked them. When I looked at the face, the world turned upside down again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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