Chapter 5, Part 2/3 (Who are the Great Disablers?)

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Molly, Giov, Syl, Mera, Indus, Percy, Ramsey and Zora enters the Snowy Town!!

Mera Salamin: Awwwww, I didn't visit this beautiful place in days!!
Molly Blyndeff: Thankfully, I'm wearing my teddy bear hoodie, hehe...
Giovanni Potage: I think next dungeon will be soooooo cold!! Can we find a tailor shop now?
Zora Salazar: Yeah, you can do it if you want...

Giovanni enters the tailor shop and asks the tailor if he can sew there. After 'yes' was said, Giovanni uses his sewing skills to some winter clothes!!

*Molly, Sylvie and Zora are already wearing winter clothes, so they don't receive any new clothes!!*
*Percy obtains a new jacket, a cozy hat and a scarf!!*
*Giovanni himself makes some casual winter clothes, but he'll miss his superhero suit!!*
*Mera obtains a cute winter coat, longer socks and confortable boots!!*
*Indus and Ramsey wear summer clothes, so they obtain an entire new costume!!*

After all clothes are sewed (and equipped), you will explore the rest of Snowy Town; the shops sells items and equipment, while the night starts and you go to the INN!!

Mera Salamin: Hey, let's rest here!!
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: Okay, I just hope it has good food!!
Mera Salamin: Sylvie, I already were here multiple times, so you can trust on me!!
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: Don't worry, I will understand you!!
*everyone enters the INN*
INN Granny: Welcome back, Mera!! Are these all of your friends?
Mera Salamin: Uh, no... Th-they are just my allies!!
INN Granny: Well, okay... Today, I will let you rest a night for free, to make everyone happy!!
Mera Salamin: Yay!!
*they all go to a table specified for big groups like them, and starts waiting for the dinner to be served*
Mera Salamin: I am great at discovering nice INN dinners, so you can ask me about this one!!
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: Well, I don't think the granny makes only soup, so I hope there's at least one dish I can eat!!
Indus Tarbella: Yeah, I think INNs can only be accepted if the chefs are as amazing as me!!
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: Exactly, but remember I have a small stomach!!
Molly Blyndeff: That's true. Sylvie once ate just two melon slices and he was already full!!
*the granny comes with all of the dinner and everyone eats whatever they want!! Once they have finished, they washed their teeth and entered an enormous bedroom!!*
Mera Salamin: *yawns* Tomorrow will be a great day!!
Zora Salazar: What kind of adventure are we going to go tomorrow?
Molly Blyndeff: Well, let's just *yawns* sleep...
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: Yeah, I'm so tired...

The next day, they all have breakfast, and go to the next dungeon, the Winter Hills (the last of the seasonal hills)!! The enemies are mostly new: ice jaguars, ice lions, alive snowmans, polar bears (that Molly will not attack because they are still bears), ice tigers, ice chetaahs, ice eagles and a lot of powerful snowy enemies that uses mostly freezing attacks!! After they are all on low HP, Sylvie gets worried, as...

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