Chapter 11, Part 4/4 (Return of the Disablers)

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When you leave the French Town, there are two places to choose; the first one is the French Fields (a filler place just to fight against weaker enemies), and the Tunnel of Cats (next place in the game's story). So let's choose the second option!!

Mera Salamin: Hey, heroes!! Look at this beautiful cave!!
Indus Tarbella: Still missing the Crystal Cave, huh?
Mera Salamin: Yeah... but this one is a tunnel filled with cats!!
Molly Blyndeff: Awwwww...
Mera Salamin: Then let's go to find them!!

This new dungeon called the Tunnel of Cats (which is a cave, don't let the name confuse you!!) starts with a straight path which is a cave filled with some bats... that reminds of the Bat Cave at the end of Chapter 3. Said path finishes with a zone which has the previously mentioned cats (there are 44, FOURTY-FOUR!!)... all of them fitting into a giant cup of tea!!

 all of them fitting into a giant cup of tea!!

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Ramsey Murdoch: Huh... are you sure you want to keep all of them?
Mera Salamin: Awwwww... yesssss...
Cat 1: We are a total of 44 cats!!
Mera Salamin: Forty-four? Thank you for the information!!
Cat 2: But we must help us not to fall from this giant cup of tea!!
Mera Salamin: *sees how the cup is managing not to fall* O-okay, I'll try to save all of you!!

The fourty-four cats finishes being fell off from the giant cup of tea, but Mera succesfully picks up one of them. The other had been escaped, while the giant cup of tea is still perfectly, as it fortunately didn't fell off!!

Mera Salamin: Little cat, are you okay?
Cat 1: Yeah, I'm okay!!
Ramsey Murdoch: But where did the rest of them escaped?
Cat 1: They just decided to escape to the rest of the cave, which is behind me and the cup!!
Mera Salamin: Okay, I'll return with all of them!!
Cat 1: Good luck, I hope the cup doesn't try to fall down again!!

Mera, Ramsey and the rest of eight playable characters enters the zone behind the cat and the cup, which resulted to look like an enormous cave zone with a swimming pool, where the cats were shown hiding themselves to the rest of rooms (as cats doesn't like to be wet). Then, our heroes must recover all cats (the counter already says 1/44) to clear this dungeon. Each one of these rooms includes more enemies, so remember to rescue all of those little kittens before you continue advancing into the game!! But before, let's see the Part 2/4 of all of the playable characters' Combined Attacks in this game!!

8/28) Giovanni + Sylvie = Nightmare Giovanni (Sylvie uses his Nightmare Fuel to decrease all enemies' stats for one turn. Then, Giovanni makes 12 fake hits on Sylvie to charge his lucky 13, which does severe damage to one enemy)

9/28) Giovanni + Mera = Lava Crystal Rain (Giovanni uses Teleports Behind You to jump high while he's holding Mera. Then, they start throwing "lava grenades" and crystal rains to all enemies. Finally, they land on them with a kick to do a little bit of extra damage)

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