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M E S S |엉망

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M E S S |엉망


The sky was deep blue. Areum's sunglasses shaded her eyes from the bright beam which shone on her glossy black hair when she came out of her car. The air felt perfectly warm and cosy, not too hot, not too chilly.

"Wait here. We'll be back in about an hour," she said as she commenced clicking her heels to the interior of the mall.

The shimmering plated floors welcomed her with the umpteenth greetings. Her movement proved her to be no less than a featured model, smooth, gentle and professional. Her maid caught up to her back all along.

Stepping onto the escalator, she arrived at the second floor of the luxurious building. Her shadow walked past the various stores until a shop turned up that drew her most interest. Almost fifty minutes later, she flipped out of the shop.

"Areum!" a voice raced to her ears. "Hang on!"

Areum twirled on her soles to find a green-haired female figure running in her direction. Soon she approached her with a pounding heart. "H-hi! Long time no see!"

"It's been a while," Areum answered blatantly and tastelessly.

"I heard that you and Jungkook are officially dating now. You must have heard my name then. I'm Shin Ijeong."

"Okay nice to meet you. What brings you here?"

"Uh, actually I came for a little shopping and then I met you."

Areum eyed her flawlessly and said, "Well to be honest it doesn't look like a LITTLE shopping but okay."

Ijeong's both hands were full of shopping bags that made her almost impossible to hold them. What a big bunch of crap.

"I don't know if you're insulting me or something but I think you wouldn't likely stick to that once I tell you some pieces of stuff about Jungkook. Hope you won't regret your decisions then," Ijeong snapped.

Areum kept a straight face. "What do you intend to say?"

"You never knew that Jungkook is a playboy, did you? I guess nobody has told you this so far right?" Ijeong smirked.

Areum gasped, "What!?"

"Yes, that's right. I knew you wouldn't be able to save your breaths for it. I never said this before because Jungkook pleaded with me not to. But then I thought that I should make you aware of getting stabbed sooner or later since playboys should not be trusted."


A breeze fluttered the hair strands of Areum as she sat at a bench. Her weary eyes turned bokeh when Ijeong's words ran repeatedly inside her head, playboys should not be trusted. Her eyelids constantly vibrated due to the effect of the dry wind blowing.

Playboy- the term was definitely known to her with a certified experience. This time she was obviously hoping for some good relations.

A little while later, a distinct form emerged into the same arena. His handsome bunny face glistened with a little sweat on his crown and temples. He jogged to Areum and perched on her side. A handkerchief dried off his wet facial structure as he spoke, "So, why did you call me so urgent today? You were supposed to go shopping right?"

"Shopping is not more important than what I want to ask you right now," she exposed with a stiff expression.

Jungkook arched his brow, "What do you wanna ask for which you abandoned your shopping list?"

"Shopping is over already! Now stop it and answer me," she smacked, "How many girls have you been treating all these while?"

"Hmm?" Jungkook squinted his eyes, "What do you mean by how many? I've always been treating two girls all throughout my life!"

"What? Does that mean you lied all these times that you have no other girlfriend other than me? You cheat! You bloody-"

"Wooah take a chill pill. Listen up first. You're my only girlfriend and the other lady is my eomma!" Jungkook raised frankly.

Areum breathed, "Huh? Then why did she say that you're a playboy?"

"Who?" Jungkook's forehead crumbled into risky frowns.

"Ijeong. Shin Ijeong," she spelt while blinking her eyes.

Jungkook broke into a fit of laughter, "Oh my god! Don't tell me that you believe in that creep. She's a total bitch! I don't need to prove it because she'll prove it herself in the near future. I betcha."

Areum's cheeks burnt red, "She tricked me? How- What the freaking hell! Why?"

Was she steamed? Take a guess.

"Leave her aside. Let's go and have some dessert. What do you say?" Jungkook winked at the two angry slits of the opposite personality.


A dessert spoon dived into a mountain of red bean ice cream. The cold icy scrapes submerged into the warmth of Areum's muzzle. The delicacy helped her to soothe her nerves a bit.

The flavour was one of Jungkook's favourites. He deliberately shove spoonfuls of ice cream into his mouth. This filled in him a new round of energy.

"She's such a loud fraud," Areum mumbled under her breath which was overheard by the other.

Jungkook chuckled, "You're still red? Come on leave it aside, you don't know what bullshit she is. It's so common for me nowadays. Her tricks are all useless for me now so she tried on you to convince you for breaking up with me."

"Our bond isn't a fragile ice cream stick that will break any moment. It's a tie for lifetime Jungkook," Areum uttered, her face still off the line.

Jungkook smiled, "So you know it right how strong our love is? Stop worrying now. Next time when you meet her, pay her back as much as you want to. I'll support you."

"Of course I will!" Areum finally flashed a beam.

Jungkook caressed her cheek, "That's like a good girl."


The classroom hustled as usual and Jungkook sat at the window seat, watching the pretty climate. All of a sudden, a man entered the room which made the students skip a beat. They gestured while chorusing, "Good afternoon principal sir."

"Yes. Mr Jeon Jeongguk, please head to my office right now."

Jungkook pursed his lips, his orbs grazed the floor as he was terrified to throw his visions at the man in the front sitting by the principal's desk. Quite a number of awards were orderly arranged on the shelves.

"Do you know why you have been called here today?" asked the man.

After a few minutes of uneasy shuffling of fingers, Jungkook attempted to talk by sharing his uneasy electrons to the ground, "No sir."

"You look pale. Sit down. Let's discuss sincerely so that your unnecessary fear gets vanished," the principal motioned him a seat.

Jungkook filled in the gap on a chair. "Sir can you kindly tell the reason for summoning me here?"

"Patience son. You must be knowing that our college is turning 25 on Friday? So I want you to make a beautiful logo for its 25th birthday. I hope you'll allow me to rely on you completely."

Jungkook thought for a while and said, "Yes I would love to sir. Thank you for this offer. I'll not let you down." His cute incisors got exposed in front of the college head just with another blink.


So I'm back!! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!! Love ya!

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