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/weather (clear/rain/thunder) -  change the weather to (clear/rain/thunder)

/time set (day/noon/night/midmight) -  set time to (day/noon/night/midnight)

/gamemode (creative/survival/spectator) -  enter (creative/survival/spectator) mode

/kill -  kill player

/fill (coardinents) minecraft:(any block) -  fill (coardinents) with minecraft:(any block)

/fill (coardinents) air -  fill (coardinents) with air (emties out the space)

/tp (coardinents) -  teliports you to (coardinents)

/give @p minecraft:(any block or item) -  gives you any block or item

/summon (entity) (coardinents) -  summon entities

and there are hunderds upon hundreds of other commands that I don't know there are just examples, if you want to see more commands go to youtube and search minecraft commands 

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