Chapter one

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   Two best friends, Amber and Aires, got kidnapped from inside of their apartment, blindfolded, they got shoved into a van with some other that also got kidnapped.

   When Amber and Aires got shoved into the van they could sense that their were other people in there with them.

   Amber started to a little girl crying and then heard someone get up and yell, "STOP CRYING!", while kicking her," annoying." After he stopped kicking her, he pulled out a gun and loaded it. He then pointed it at the little girl. Out of nowhere he yelled,"WHAT THE HELL!" And dropped his gun. Amber then took this opportunity to search for it, but the opportunity ended when the guy stepped on her hand, pulled out his knife and put it to her neck. He started to say, "Hah you thought you could get MY gun well thin- oh we're here. You got lucky little mutt."

He told everyone to stand up and wait. The man put rope on all their wrist and made them follow him into a room where they finally got to take off the blindfolds that kept them from seeing anything.

Someone different came into the room with white clothing, and gave them numbers. The person handed them to use to put on.

After they all got their clothing on an intercom came on and said, "Please state your name,age, the number you were given, and gender."
One at a time they said their name, age, number, and gender.

Sasha Andrews, 18, #2108, Female
Sky Moon, 15(almost 16), #1389, Female
Skyler Moon, 15(almost 16), #1497, Male
Iris Anderson, 20, #3798, Female
Dixie Carson, 13, #2209, Female
Connie Adler, 19, #7012, Female
Liam Adler, 16, #6128, Male
Noah Duke, 14, #6018, Male
Oliver West, 12, #5871, Male
Olivia West, 12, #3781, Female
James Amos, 11, #5862, Male
Toby Knight, 17, #8235, Male
Amber Astor, 16(almost 17), #1000, Female
Aires Griffin, 17, #1200, Male

+A few months later+

   Amber and Aires went hostile and became the most dangerous experiments known in the lab.

The intercom came on and started to say, "I need Amber and Aires to the testing rooms this instant, I repeat I need Amber and Aires to the testing rooms this instant."

After a few moments "doctors" came and brought Amber and Aires to the testing rooms.
The testing rooms were made for experiments, training and to "subjects" ready to fight one another.

Amber's POV-
The head scientist, Dr.Luceil, came into the testing room I was in, to see how the experiments on me were going. Which was strange because he never came to see any of the experiments unless it was important or he was using one of use to fight another lab experiment. But to my surprise he wasn't going to use me, he was actually giving me a blindfold to wear. After he gave me it he said, "Don't ever take this blindfold off unless you are used in a fight, I repeat DON'T take off that blindfold! Goodbye #1000."

After a few days of experimenting on me, I had horrible bruises,scars, and burn marks on my body. There was this one "doctor" that would check up on me to see how I was doing or to help me recover. Her name was Dr.Lucinda, I think, I can hardly remember because I've been too tired to think about anything.

On one day Dr.Lucinda came running into the testing room to see me almost passed out.
She was yelling, " What the hell happened this time!?"

Dr.Nick, my other "doctor" walks in.
"It was bosses idea to punish them, I'm guessing he took off her blindfold.", said Dr.Nick.

  Lucinda starts to say, " Well the boss can go suck a-"
   Their boss interrupts her and said, " I can go suck a what Dr.Lucinda?"

Continue to see what happens next...

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