Chapter 3

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Sooo- I haven't posted in a LONG while. Sorry about that. I've been trying to think of ideas for this whole book- I've also just started school again. Anyways I hope you like this chapter, I tried to make it longer since I haven't posted in a while.
Side note: POV's are going to switch a lot 😄

"Now let's get down to business on what to do to prevent any other 'accidents' to happen.", Luciel said.
"Yes sir!" , all 'doctors' said at the same time.

Amber's POV-
I head Someone walk into my "room" , but by the smell I could tell it was no one I knew or even met.

   They started talking. "Am- I mean #1000, you have been granted permission to talk to the other subjects in the courtyard." That's all i heard from them before they opened my door. I got up quickly, maybe to quickly because I got dizzy. I proceeded to follow them, I could tell that they were afraid of me. I wish no one in this facility were afraid of me...

   As soon as they led me into the courtyard I picked up on Aires sent. I started to run around everyone to find them and eventually I did. I ran towards then and jumped at them excitedly.

"AIRES!!!" I shouted in a very excited tone. "I missed you so much!!!!"

   I started to slightly and quietly sob, but Aires noticed and quickly comforted me. P.S they were also slightly sobbing.

"I missed you too Amber." Aires replied to me quietly.

   As they said this i started to slowly standing up and wiping my tear-stained cheeks. After I was done doing that I looked around me and saw people looking at the both of us. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do, luckily Aires told me that they were just a couple of friends he met. I quickly told him bye because I wanted to make some friends also. We both hugged and then I was off. As I was walking around, not paying attention to my surroundings, I bumped into someone.

   "Sorry!" I quickly blurted out.

I heard chuckling and looked up to see someone about 6'1 with long brown hair, eyes like an ocean. I was a blushing mess after I saw him.(heheheh) After he was done chuckling he said it was alright or something like that because I wasn't really paying attention.

   "Hello there, I'm Skylar. Nice to meet you I guess" he said this while chuckling at the end.

   I was dazed by his beauty, but I quickly snapped out of it after he introduced himself.

"Oh im Amber! Nice to meet you also Skylar." I said with a small smile.

   I stood there awkwardly as I said that. He noticed I was awkward and started a comfortable conversation with me, which I was glad of. We talked for a few moments and introduced me to his other friends, Toby, Dixie, and Sky(his twin sister). They were really nice to me. As we all started talking I could feel someone glaring at the back of my head. I peeked my head over my shoulder to see who it was but turned to see no one. After a few more moments of talking, a guard came up to me and basically said it was time to go. Skylar looked very confused on why I was leaving early but didn't say anything. I tried waving goodbye but before I could the guard shoved me towards the doors that lead inside inside. I looked over my shoulder while walking to see that Skylar had a surprised face along with his friends,plus Aires that looked my way last minute. Skylar also looked like he wanted to beat the hell out of the guard but I guess he decided against it as I saw his fist unclench because I guess he knew there would be consequences for that action.

   "GET MOVING!" Shouted the guard.

   "Okay, okay! I'm going." I mumbled to the guard behind me as I look forward agin towards the doors.

   Another guard came up to me to put the shock-cuffs on me so I wouldn't potentially harm them in any way I guess. Stupid, I know. But that's beside that point, I noticed that we weren't headed towards my "room" we were headed towards the lab. I didn't want to go there. I was terrified shitless of that place. I didn't pick up a fight with the guards knowing I would need the energy. I then was shoved into the room and was left there for about 10 minutes before a random doctor came in and took at least 7 vials of my blood, and then I was then let go.

   As the doctor was taking my blood I was thinking, 'I honestly thought I was going to me tortured but I guess not.'

   The guards came back in and pulled me back into the court yard.

Skylar's POV-
I just saw the guards put cuffs on Amber, many questions were running in my head when I saw that happen.
   What did she do?
What is she for them to do that?
Is she that dangerous for them to cuff her with the shock-cuffs?
Why did she looked so used to that happening?

  I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Amber come back out 18 minutes later. I was thrilled to see her, I walked up to her and hugged her. I felt her tense up from the random hug. That gave me the answer I needed to my questions. I broke the hug but, soon right after me I saw someone run up to Amber and hug her to death. Amber hugged her back and for some reason that hurt me, I didn't show it though. After they were done hugging the person walked away. I was slightly confused on what just happened but eventually brushed it off as one of their friends before they were brought here.

Amber's POV-
   Skylar was looking at me weird after Aires hugged after. I didn't pay no mind to it. After a while it was time for everyone to go back inside but before everyone could two people got into a fight about something stupid. It ended after three guards had to hold them down.

   As i was being escorted to my "room" I was looking around noticing at run down the place looked. I arrived in my "room" and then the door was slammed shut and locked. I waited until it dinner time. Thats when they would push a tray of "food" and some pills. Except I think they only did the pill thing with me.

Aires's pov-
   After seeing Amber I was relived from all the stress of this stupid cursed place, after all they were practically my sister. I kept thinking about that boy who was staring at us at that moment, Skylar I think he's quite popular here. We've never interacted more than a head nod or a shoulder brush, but he seemed jealous of me, must've thought I liked Amber or something.

   I haven't seen Jack,my doctor, in a while... I've only had Dr. Luciel (the mastermind behind this hell),Landon, Isabella, and another doctor, I don't remember their name but I only have bad memories of them, testing and checking in on me. The nameless doctor, a tall older masculine sort of person, became more rude and looked terrible after Jack disappeared. My brain began racing.

   Are they the reason Jack disappeared?
   Did he do that to them?
   Is Jack dead?

   "Hello, #1200." Its the other doctor. "We have a very eventful day ahead of us." They have a demented crooked grin.

"You enjoy this don't you!" I almost say out loud. That would've cost me to be inches from death, I've heard this doctor is infamous for that from both Liam and Connie, they call him Dr. Hell. They were my closest friends here, other than Amber of course. They told me many stories about the doctor and all of the experiences they placed onto subjects, Liam being one of those subjects he was left with many scars on his body. This doctor must be heartless due to the fact that Liam is only 16.

   "W-wait! Before you do this please tell me your name.." I plead.

   "Seems only customary, i have quite the reputation here. Dr. Ace, pleased to 'meet' you."

   Ace? Samuel's doctor? That must be the reason he left us...

   "Well boy, it's time for us to begin." Dr. Ace rolls in a huge cart with many torturous items on it.

To be continued...

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