chapter 28 - moony and padfoot

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The next morning, Lyra made her way to Professor Lupin's office after receiving his owl. As she walked in Lyra couldn't help but to hope for more answers.

"Miss Tonks, please follow me," Professor Lupin started walking slowly to the door and out of his office.

He engaged her in small talk as they walked through the castle; how she felt about her OWLs, plans for the summer, and the like. Lyra detested it but even without understanding what he was doing, she understood the small talk was because they were surrounded by so many people.

It was slow walking as Lupin seemed to be limping. Soon they left the castle and walked into the Forbidden Forest. They walked past Lyra's clearing and deeper into a clearing Lyra hadn't been to before. Lyra kept nervously glancing at him and around the forest, hoping Sirius wasn't nearby. She didn't know how the two would react around each other.

"Professor, what-"

"Lyra. Moony," Sirius stepped out from behind a tree with Buckbeak behind him.

Lyra looked back and forth between the two men, blinking her eyes rapidly. Her mind was racing but she spoke the foremost thing on her mind, "what's Buckbeak doing here? And moon- YOU'RE MOONY? FROM THE MAP?"

Professor Lupin chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, and I know you've met Padfoot," he nodded his head to Sirius.

Lyra looked back to Sirius, eyes wide. In all the confusion, she had failed to make the black dog connection. Lupin continued, "Lyra, we wanted to talk to you-"

"-mainly because you invaded our thoughts without asking," Sirius shot her a look.

Lyra's eyes widened and she grinned sheepishly, "yeah, sorry about that. I just-" She sighed, "I know I shouldn't have and it was so incredibly wrong of me. I just- I hated that I didn't know anything about my family." Lyra looked directly at Remus then, "I really didn't mean to pry into-" she looked awkwardly between the two men and wrung her hands together. "-into your lives at Hogwarts, I'm really sorry. And I swear I won't tell anyone."

Remus took a staggered breath and put on a smile for his student. "I appreciate that Lyra. I think we both forgive you as long as you promise not to do that again. It was an invasion of privacy after all."

"Yes! Yes, definitely. I am so sorry again," Lyra readily agreed.

"Well, I think it's great!" Sirius laughed. "Who knew I would walk out of Azkaban with a now-" he tilted his head and stared at her confused. "Somehow, maybe related to me person. Exciting!"

Lyra grinned at that but quickly furrowed her brow and tilted her head, "wait but how are you two talking to each other without accusing someone of murder?"

Remus and Sirius explained the events of the previous night from Harry, Hermione, and Ron discovering everything Sirius told her, to Snape finding them and threatening Sirius, to Pettigrew escaping and Harry saving Sirius from the dementors.

"Though there is something I haven't mentioned," Remus said grimly. "Snivellus," he growled, "told the entire school of my furry little problem and after finding out Dumbledore knew about everything with Sirius, I resigned."

Lyra was incredibly confused as she was completely unaware of who this Snivellus person was. Sirius however was very well informed, "I'll kill him."

He began walking back to the castle but was quickly stopped. Remus put his hand on Sirius's chest, "Sirius..."

Sirius glared at the castle, "I already served time for murder might as well make it true."

"Wait, please I can't lose the closest person I have to my real family," Lyra looked pleadingly between the two men as they both turned to face her. "Also who's Sniv-whatever?" she added quickly.

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