Chapter 1- The first day

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Alexander's POV
My iPhone rang (And yes because this an AU they'll be living it the 2010's) and I picked it up.


It was my best friend, John. Me, Marquis and Hercules had the best friend group a guy like me could ask for.

"I heard we have a new teacher this year." I said to John. "I know! Apparently he'll be there for home room and PE!" I replied optimistically. "You're taking the bus this morning, right?"

"Of course Alex! I'll race ya to our bus stop!" John exclaimed. "Don't even think about winning!" I replied. Today was gonna be great, and I knew it.

Angelica's POV
"Angelica, wake up, dear. Your first day of 8th grade is today."

As I opened my eyes, my vision cleared up. I lived in a mansion, with many maids, butlers, and chefs. One of the maids, who I never knew the name of woke me up. "Coming. What's for breakfast this morning?"

Because it was the first day of school, I expected something my father knew I liked. But, wait, he barely knows me. Sometimes I'll go days without seeing him, all because of his stupid work. Our mother died when me and my sisters were born, so it's only been us and our father.

(Now, as we all know, The musical characters and their real counterparts are almost two different things at this point, so you pretty much have way more freedom with the musical, so yea.)

I walked down the seemingly endless flights of stairs, and walked out into the dining room. And our breakfast was... Granola, yogurt, and fruit. I liked fruit and yogurt, but granola? Yucky. I know I sound childish, but seriously, I've aren't it so much, I hate it even more now. I sucked it up and ate it, but I wanted to barf.

"First day of 8th grade... woo-hoo..." Peggy said sarcastically. I felt exactly the same as she felt. "Come on guys! It can't be that bad..." Eliza said, she always liked to look on the bright side. I appreciated it, but sometimes, there was just no way. Like this time.

"Yea, yea. Come on, let's get dressed." I said, Eliza looked at me like I was stupid, I'm not stupid, but either way, middle school was gonna be pure hell.

James's POV
I was in the backseat of the car, my book bag sitting right next to me, my mother drove up next to a house I had never seen before. It had been finished building just recently, and there was a new family in it.

My mother had been talking to the mother in the family, and we would be picking up their kid to go to school with me. Then, a kid ran out.

(And once again, The Hamilton characters and their real life counterparts are two separate things, in this AU, they will be looking the actors who played them.)

A kid with curly brown hair ran over to the car and hopped in. "James! This is is Thomas. You two will be going to school with each other." My mother said.

"I'm Thomas, like she said. Thomas Jefferson." He put out his hand for me to shake it. I shook his hand.

"James Madison. Where are you from?" I asked. "Virginia! My dad Works overseas in France, so I've been there a lot." He replied.

"Do you ever get to see him? Like, does ever come here?" This kid seemed pretty cool. "Oh god yes! It's not like he went go get French milk or anything."

The one where they're in the middle - Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now