Chapter 2- 7th graders of hallway 2-D

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John's POV
My pencil led cracked, so of course I went to go grab my sharpener, but it was missing, so I had to use the broken class sharpener, because the school thinks "They're in perfect shape! Totally no rust! Let's put them in our classrooms!"

Like, I sometimes wonder how your brain works. Anyway, while I was walking up there, Alex passed me a note. I took it from him and read it when I was back at my desk.

"This hallway reminds me of last years... incident"

And then, there came the flashbacks, I'll let Alex tell the story of the reason we had the 5th out of our 9 school anti-violence assemblies of that year.

Alexander's POV
It was the middle of our 2nd part of the school year, me and John were walking through hallway 2-D.

That's when bitchy little Charles Lee  pushed us out of his way for no reason whatsoever. Both I and John were pissed.

Now, I had already had a bad record going on. Cheated on a test, started a tiny food fight in the cafeteria, two physical fights, and don't ask why this was going on. I'm pretty sure the only subject I've ever done good in is English.

I looked at John and said "I wanna teach him a lesson, but I can't risk another incident happening."

John looked me dead in my eyes and said, "Then I will."

"Do not throw away your shot."

John walked up to Charles and tapped him on his shoulder, "Yo, did dare try and mess with me and my bud?" He asked. Charles replied "If you talked less, and walked more, I wouldn't have to push you out of my way."

John straight up went for it. He pinned him to the locker, and yelled at him "Oh, so you think this is funny?"

Charles broke his grip and pushed him to the ground. "Sure do!" John got up and punched the bottom of his jaw.

Next thing I knew, there were fight on the ground like two bear Cubs. Students were watching like it was a famous singer's concert. They were all chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" 

And then the teacher came.

We were screwed.

Me, John, and Charles all received detention. The students cheering on the fight received lost privileges to clubs, PE, and our Student Lounge, needless to say, we learned our lesson, or not. Just you wait.

But the best part was after the fight, the assumptions were SPICY.

One kid claimed that Charles had died from him injuries after he got to leave school to go to the hospital, that was debunked after he posted on his social media.

Then people though he transferred to another school to avoid having to ever face that trauma.

Turns out, he just broke both his nose and arm, and was also sick. Most people were disappointed.

Then, in real time, I got an idea.

One to piss Charles off.

Hercules's POV
I sat down at the lunch table, as I waited for my friends. My mother had texted me saying that my aunt would be dropping me off at my sewing club today, just so I knew.

Then, John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton walked up to my table. "Hercules, we're making a petition to put a memorial for the infamous hallway 2-D fight last year, in hallway 2-D. Would you like to sign?"

I REALLY wanted to laugh. These guys couldn't be serious. I decided to sign, because there was no way this would happen... right? Who am I kidding, honestly, the school of course wouldn't let that shit come through.

They never actually sat down and ate with me that day, so me and James were sitting with each other. The perks of when your friends aren't around.

After lunch, I had PE, Marquis was also in my class, so I had to tell him about it.

So while we were doing some running, I told him all about it, and he was on my side. This was gonna be fun once the principal found it, and you know I had to be there for every moment of it.

Marquis's POV
The school day was over, finally.

I had decided to ask mon amis if they would like to hang out. So, in proper 2010's fashion, I texted them.

Me: Bonjour mon amis! Shall we hang out?
Printing press: Can't, me and John got detention :(
Printing press: Also, is my name still Printing press on your phone?
Me: Perhaps...
Printing press: Fuck you.
Me: Wait, if you're in detention, how are you texting?
Printing press: Snuck my phone in.
Me: If you didn't decide to do that stupid petition you could be hanging out right now.
Printing press removed you from the group.

I threw my iPhone onto my bed ask I groaned. We're only over 2 days into the school year, and there's already the bitch of the class.

Fucking great. Just, fucking great.

I decided to go for a walk to get my mind off things.

On the walk, I asked myself some questions.

"Why are you like this?" "Why does he treat you like this?" "Are you even happy here?"

I let out a deep sigh into the cold fall air.

"I miss France."

Washington's POV
I was at the school late tonight situating stuff for tomorrow, I also cleaned up the equipment room.

I checked my laptop once before I left the school, and it looked like I had an email From Marquis de Lafayette.

It read:
Good evening Mr. Washington!

I'm well aware that you've heard about Alexander and John's little... Petition.

And with this petition, I feel like this could be the start of something.

This is not a call for you to take action, just a heads up.

Sincerely, Marquis de Lafayette.

He was right.

This is the start of something.

Looks like I'd have quite the work to do to start any problems from erupting.

I wrote him back almost immediately,

Thank you for your concern, Marquis.

I'll make sure to look out for any trouble, and notify the teachers.

Sincerely, Mr. Washington.

Word count: 1047. Started: April 18th, 2021. Finished: April 18th, 2021.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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