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As a kid, growing up involved reading fairy books for far too long. But as I neared my teenage years, I got sucked into the mystery novels; my favourite being Nancy Drew. Now, I wouldn't think of myself as a detective. Really, I'm just somehow present whenever a crime goes down. Living in the small town Sunrise Valley makes it hard to -what was it- oh right..."stay out of trouble." You see, it was just a normal day and I was just walking to grab an iced caramel macchiato at the cafe. My adorable golden retriever was by my side and we were walking by the boardwalk when- "Help, someone help!" I whipped my head around and looked towards the sound. Standing by the rocky sidelines was a trembling lady looking down into the deep blue sea. I quickly ran to her and took a look at the water myself. There was a body partly in the water and it looked...dead. I sprinted down the rocks, almost slipping in my haste, and used my lifesaving skills to pull out the body -looking closely, it appeared to be female- and performed cpr. I felt a faint pulse and my relief intensified like crazy. She -a girl in her mid twenties, maybe twenty-five or so- didn't wake up though and so my relief quickly turned to dread. Before I could call for an ambulance, I heard the sirens and felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. There were two police cars alongside the ambulance and three officers immediately ran up to where I was crouching over the body. "YOU! Put your hands up where I can see them!" It was then where I saw my mom -who is also on the police force- standing by. She gave me another one of her disapproving looks, and that's how I wound up at the police station...

Haha, hope you guys enjoyed the preface, let me know what you think!

I appreciate all commentary: hate, feedback, anything really!!

Stay tuned for the first chapter!!

Keep dreaming, dreamers!


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