Chapter 1

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Yes I know you must be thinking, you're only a teenager and you've already got yourself tied up in another investigation". Thankfully, I was released shortly after telling my side of the story, and having some witnesses come by the station to identify me (not as the suspect). And I know that my mom -along with the whole police force (oops)- told me not to get involved in this, but come on! It's literally calling my name! So despite all the no's I have, I'm definitely getting myself involved! Since I couldn't go back to the crime scene, I decided to try and find out who this girl was. She was in a coma -thank god she's still alive- but I doubt she'll remember much. Considering what I saw, I'm almost positive that there was foul play. The angle of her body looked forced and I swear I saw a few bruises on her neck; maybe someone strangled her? Thank you Nancy Drew for improving my detective skills, I thought. My goal for the week is to somehow convince my mom to at least help with the case. Now don't get me wrong, my mom is a great person, but it takes a lot of deep reasoning for her to change her mind, especially since she's the chief of police. I decided to look through some old yearbooks. They belong to my older sister, who is currently in Arizona for an internship. My sister Jenna would normally help me out here, but since she's gone, I'm on my own. It looked like Jenna and the victim were about the same age so I started looking at the various pictures on each page. I knew the girl had long brown hair and pale skin with a smattering of freckles. For the next few hours, I pored over the pages looking for even a touch of familiarity. Just when I was about to give up, I saw it: Olivia Dean born in 1994. Jackpot! It appears that she was a social butterfly and very popular in high school. She dated the captain of the football team, and they were pegged as high school sweethearts; but apparently she broke up with him so she could pursue her dreams. Hmm sounds like a motive for...attempted murder? Wow, judging from her high school status, there must be a lot of suspects. It looked like she had more admirers than haters, so that complicated everything. Could the motive really be jealousy? I thought. I looked further through the book and realized several teachers were fond of her as well. Hm, that's interesting. Maybe it could be a dislike of a specific teacher that led to this. Before I could dig deeper, my phone buzzed with a text. "Hey sweetheart, can you drop by the station for a while? You're probably gonna like this! Love, mom." With questions swirling in my brain, I quickly grabbed the leash off the hook and took my dog Daisy with me. We speed walked around nearby tourists and made it to the police station in record time. My mom was waiting outside with a smile on her face and followed me through the door. "Your presence has been requested by the force," she said with a wink. She led me into her partner's office and I looked around waiting for him to start talking. "Your mother has told me about your great intuition and intelligence, clearly passed on from chief to daughter. As you already have got yourself involved, again, we were thinking you could assist us on the case if you want." I was in shock as I looked at all the surrounding faces, waiting to see if they were joking or not. But they weren't. "You're not joking?" I asked, looking confused. "Darling, of course not. BUT, you can't get yourself too involved. Only looking for evidence. NO confrontations of suspects or chasing them around town. Got it?" said my mother. I nodded, still looking dazed. The chief cut in, "To help you out, we have another person joining you. He's about your age and his name is A-." Before he could continue, I blurted out the boy's name. "AIDAN?"

First chapter done, hope you guys enjoy!

I know these first few chapters may be cheesy, but we all need a little humour in our lives, haha!

What do you guys think of Ashley so far? A little too nosy for her own good?

And how do you think Ashley and Aidan will interact with each other?

Stay tuned for the next chapter, there will definitely be some interesting comments made, regarding their relationship!

Keep dreaming, dreamers!


A Starry Eyed MysteryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant