Who are you?

309 14 1


-Mentions, and attempts of suicide






Tsukishima Kei

A 16 year old boy

A member of the Karasuno volleyball club






Tsukishima woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing through his ears. He moaned and slammed his hand against the snooze button as he buried his head in his pillow ready to sleep for another hour.

However unfortunately for him that wasn't an option. Instead he was forced to grab his glasses and drag himself out of bed due to his early morning volleyball club session that occurred every morning and evening. He got up and yawned before bringing himself over to the bathroom dragging his feet across the floorboards.

When he got into his bathroom he gazed into the mirror, into his reflection. He stared at himself for quite some time before opening his mouth to say something. He said in a sleepy tone "I hate Mondays" after moaning about getting up he picked up his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. Out of know where, without a warning memories came flooding into his mind destroying all happiness he could possibly think off. He thought of the time he was getting bullied. Being shoved into a corner and being beaten up. All they said were words like 'you are pathetic' and 'go kill yourself' unfortunately for him he couldn't muster up the courage to have actually jumped off the building nevertheless he attempted too many times to count.

He put down his toothbrush and rinsed and dried his mouth. He looked up at the mirror once more and before leaving the bathroom said "Will I finally be able to. . .next time" he took a deep breath before going to his bed side table where his phone lay and picked it up gently. "what time is it" he thought in his mind. He gasped peering at his phone reading the time out loud "4:30 WHAT THE FUCK" he slammed his phone on the ground creating a loud thud. He stared at his phone slightly scared to pick it up. eventually he reached over cautiously and turned his phone around to check the screen. He'd smashed it. It stopped working.

He put his phone back down on his bed side table and placed his glasses gently on the table before he plopped onto his bed to go back to sleep thoughts rushed into his mind "why did my alarm go off at this time" and "maybe I set the wrong alarm" he wanted to get more sleep so he got comfy in his bed and drifted into a deep slumber.






Tsukishima woke up and felt a cool chill rush to his body leaving him shivering slightly. Under his pale smooth skin he could feel something, he didn't know what. It didn't feel like his bed. He lay there confused and decided to open his eyes. He looked around everything was as clear as day however he noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses. But he ignored that fact as he gazed around in disbelief. What he saw wasn't what he was expecting. Up above him lay the night sky and he could see millions of twinkling stars up above. He lay there gazing at the clear sky everything felt so peaceful. He never once questioned how he got there or what happened. All he did was take in the moment and cherish the tranquillity that he was bestowed upon.

In the corner of his eye he could make out some large woodland trees. From the type of tree he could depict he was in a forest. But that didn't bother him from how calm and peaceful the atmosphere was. He heard the sound of crunching leaves. Curiosity took over him as he stood to see who or what was there.

A couple of metres away stood a deer, the boy couldn't help himself and went over to pat the cute creature. As he patted his head the deer's fur was so soft and smooth. The deer never once flinched nor tried to move away. It felt like a fairytail to him. The boy bent down to crouch next to the deer and asked in a calm tone to not scare away the poor thing "Hey what's your name" the deer gazed up at the bright full moon up above. "Moon. . . is that your name?" he said again in a calm tone. The deer pranced up and down happily. Tsukishima giggled still petting the deer.

He heard the sound of a twig snap behind him and as quick as a flash the deer ran away. Tsukishima frowned as he lost sight of the animal. But then realised why it had ran away. He turned around to see what had made that noise and as he turned around, before his very eyes stood another boy. He had dark black hair and was wearing grey sweatpants and a plain white top. Tsukishima couldn't see his face therefore couldn't see who the boy was.

The dark haired boy turned around and started to walk away. Tsukishima had the feeling that he had to know who he was and without hesitation Tsukishima shouted "WHO ARE YOUUUUUU" he then covered his mouth feeling like he had been a bit rude. The dark haired boy stopped in his tracks but not turning around.

Then the he replied "Doesn't matter. . .I'm sure we'll meet again so till then goodbye" he then walked away mysteriously.

Tsukishima's eyes started to go blurry as he collapsed onto the floor.






Tsukishima jolted up from his bed and once again he awoke in his room his vision a blurry mess. He sighed slipping on his glasses. "If only it wasn't just a dream" he thought.

Tsukikage-The woodland realm (Haikyu fan fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن