The final Chapter

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For the rest of the week Kageyama and Tsukishima's days ran smoothly. Kageyama's arm had fully recovered and every night they would wake up in the forest and go on some crazy adventure. Some days they visited more civilians and some days they went looking for animals. On their journeys they manged to find owls and foxes. They even found the very same deer whose name was moon which Tsukishima had found on his first day in the forest. But now our story continues on a Sunday night.

Tsukishima was gathering all his blankets ready to go to bed and see what adventure him and Kageyama would get into. He tucked himself into bed and dozed off.


Tsukishima woke up as normal in the centre of the woods and stood up to look for Kageyama but. . . he wasn't there. Every day, every night he would wake up in the dream realm and Kageyama was always there smiling at him saying "hey you ready to go" however it was not the case that day. Tsukishima searched around the woods going to every spot they visited but he just wasn't there. He was gone.


Tsukishima woke up at 1am in the morning sweat was dripping from his forehead as his heart started to race faster and faster. His mind racing saying "where's Kageyama. . . Where's Kageyama, I need to see him" So Tsukishima slipped on some shoes and dashed out his front door and sprinted over to Kageyama's house. He needed to know if he was okay he had to know. When he made it to the Kageyama house he slammed the bell until a teenage girl opened it.

"Tell me where Kageyama Tobio is please" he sounded so desperate and exhausted.

"My brother oh I think he went to the park, you know the one with the benches and the river and that bridge he loves so much"

"Wait Bridge!" Tsukishima ran out the house and ran the fastest he'd ever ran in his life all the way to the local park. When he saw a glimpse of the bridge he could also see a boy standing on top of the rails. And without a doubt Tsukishima could tell it was Kageyama. From the height to his dark black short hair. Tsukishima pushed himself to run harder and harder to the point where he could barely even feel his feet. He got to the bridge as he saw the boy jump off. . .

Tsukishima leapt and grabbed Kageyama's arm preventing him from falling. "T-Tsukki. . .w-what are you doing here" Tsukishima hoisted Kageyama up back onto the bridge holding him into a tight hug.

"To prevent you from killing yourself dummy" Tsukishima said while tears fell down his cheeks. "Don't ever do that again promise me"

Kageyama started tearing up as well while clinging onto Tsukishima he said "I promise. . .w-when I jumped I instantly regret it then I saw you and I couldn't have felt happier. . .T-thank you, you saved me"

"King come to the realm with me tonight I want to show you something"


They both walked back to Tsukishima's house and leaped onto the bed and went straight to sleep.






Tsukishima stood up being hoisted up the ground by Kageyama. "So Tsukki what is it you wanted to show me". Tsukishima grabbed Kageyama's hand and took him to a part of the forest Kageyama had never been to. The ground was covered with flowers there was no single piece of grass insight just the path and every colour combination of flower petals imaginable. As the pair walked further and further down the path the sound of water got louder and louder. Until at the end of the path was a curtain of vines preventing you to see past it. Tsukishima cut down the vines and revealed a waterfall.

Tsukishima beckoned Kageyama to come up to the edge of sand separating the water with the land and Tsukishima held Kageyama's hands

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Tsukishima beckoned Kageyama to come up to the edge of sand separating the water with the land and Tsukishima held Kageyama's hands. "Wait here and close your eyes" Said Tsukishima and Kageyama did just that. Tsukishima got two items from inside a bush and made his way back to Kageyama. He placed something on Kageyama's head and told him to open his eyes.

Kageyama's eyes opened as he felt the top of his head to grab what Tsukishima had placed on top of him. He brought the item to his eyeline as he saw a beautiful hand crafted crown in the palm of his hand. Kageyama brought a hand up to his mouth as tears ran down his cheeks. "Awww this is amazing thank you" Tsukishima grabbed the crown back off Kageyama and placed it back on his head.

Tsukishima took out matching necklaces from his pocket. One necklace had a silver lock on and the other a beautiful silver key decorated with blue jewels. Tsukishima gave the necklace with the key on it to Kageyama and asked in a soft sweet voice "Will you be my boyfriend". Kageyama was speechless and all he could muster up was nod frantically. Tsukishima chuckled and wrapped the necklace around Kageyama as he put the necklace with the lock on himself. Kageyama then leapt into Tsukishima's arms burring his face in Tsukishima's chest.

Tsukishima then grabbed Kageyama's jaw and lifted it up so they were facing each other and he kissed the setter on the lips. Then Kageyama looked up into Tsukishima's eyes and said "Thank you" As they both started to wake up again.

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