What's your name?

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Tsukishima wandered over to his living room to find a clock to check the time. After around 5 whole minutes of continuous searching he eventually found a clock. It read 7:30. Tsukishima whispered "Shit I'm 30 minutes late" he ran over to his bedroom got changed as quickly as he could and sprinted out his front door running all the way to school which felt like a marathon. After 10 minutes of non-stop running he made it to the gym and clung onto the open door out of breath. His team captain walked over to him wearing an angry expression on his face.

He said angrily "Where were you? You're 50 minutes late now get to practice before you miss anymore time"

Tsukishima said sorry and walked over to his teammates to start practicing his serves. He looked around the gym and noticed one person hadn't arrived yet. It was their setter, Kageyama Tobio. Tsukishima knew for a fact the dark haired boy was always on time never mind that usually the first to arrive. So it was quite unusual for him not to be there.

He tried to shake the boy out his mind and instead thought back to his dream he had that night and realised he had been able to remember it perfectly like it had actually happened. That was unusual for him to even dream never mind remember it. No matter how much he tried his thoughts always traced itself back to Kageyama and in his mind he kept telling himself over and over again. "Why can't I stop thinking about him" and "we never get along why do I care so much". He shook his head clearing his mind and reached over to grab onto a volleyball. He continued practice for about an hour before he noticed the black haired boy who was their setter had returned.  He was wearing grey sweatpants and a plain white top. Tsukishima stared at the boy. "He's wearing the same outfit from the boy in my dream" he thought.

Practice continued as it usually did and so did school however at the end of the day Hinata a small orange haired boy, and Kageyama ,their setter who Tsukishima couldn't stop thinking about, had both walked up to him and asked him to tutor them after school that same day. It pained Tsukishima to have to tutor the two dumbest people with the dumbest braincells known to man kind. However something was different that day. He gazed into Kageyama's eyes and something urged him to say yes. Although he didn't know why. He sighed and a simple "yes" escaped his mouth. The two boys jumped around happily and followed the taller blonde haired boy (Tsukishima) all the way to his house. For him it was the longest 20 minutes of his life. And when he finally made it to his house at last he unlocked the door and let the two of them roam free in his room.

Hinata pointed at Tsukishima's walls and laughed "You do love dinosaurs"

The blonde boy snapped back "shut up tangerine"

Hinata pouted and slumped onto Tsukishima's bed. Kageyama followed him onto the bed and sat next to him. Kageyama patted the bed in front of him ushering Tsukishima to sit there which made the blonde smile. Tsukishima grabbed his neatly organised notes and sat on the bed in front of the two. Kageyama and Hinata grabbed their notes and the three of them started to study. As they started to study rain started to fall and they could hear and pitter patter of rain drops against the roof above them. And the room was getting warmer with the heater on and them wrapped in Tsukishima's blankets. It made a nice cosy environment that made studying a little more enjoyable for all of them.

3 hours later

Kageyama yawned and flopped on the bed laying down. He curled up in his blanket and fell asleep in front of Hinata and Tsukishima.

Hinata leaned over to Tsukishima and whispered to him "Do you want to go to sleep as well maybe we can have a sleepover" Hinata said this while pleading trying his best to do puppy dog eyes.

Tsukishima nodded his head and took off his glasses before laying his head down on his mattress which pleased Hinata thinking his pleading had worked but in truth just wanted to stay with Kageyama and learn more about him. Which he again didn't understand why. The both of them snuggled up in blankets and followed Kageyama's lead both falling into a deep sleep.






Tsukishima woke up and opened his eyes and once more he was in the forest in the same place as before with perfect vision. And was being greeted this time by a warm gust of air. He got up from the ground and looked around everything felt so real to the wind to the grass under his toes. He turned behind him and saw the same dark haired boy from last time. The boy was crouching on the ground and he looked like he was making daisy chains his head looking down, once again making it impossible to see who it was.

Tsukishima took and deep breath and in a clear sharp tone asked "What's your name?"

The dark haired boy looked up at Tsukishima leaving him gasping gazing into the boy's eyes. The dark haired boy said  "You know who I am"

Tsukishima's head started spinning he was so confused. He started questioning everything. Thoughts like: "Wait Kageyama was the boy all along" and "No matter the circumstances why do I keep thinking about him first I couldn't shake him off my mind in practice and now he's made it to my dreams" raced through his mind. He took a deep breath once again and looked into the boy's eyes. "Why are you here".

Kageyama shrugged his shoulders not being able to answer the taller boy's answer. "Why are you here" he questioned.

Tsukishima was speechless and thought to himself and wasn't able to give an answer either. "I-I don't know"

Kageyama stood up from the ground and walked slowly towards Tsukishima and grabbed his hand. Kageyama placed something in the others palm. Tsukishima opened his palm and saw a daisy chain. He chuckled and placed it in his pocket. "Thanks"

Kageyama leaned forward and hugged the other taller boy surprising him but nevertheless he hugged back. Kageyama buried his face in the others chest and mumbled out "thanks for coming here now it's not so lonely" Tsukishima wore a confused expression on his face but stayed silent. The setter continued to talk "well I suppose we're both going to wake up soon" Tsukishima was about to open his mouth to talk but before no time at all he was falling to the ground while hugging Kageyama. They fell together.






And once more he awoke and sat up remembering his dream perfectly clear once again. But this time he turned his head to the side and despite him not wearing his glasses and his vision being blurry what he saw surprised him even more. He could see Kageyama's outline sitting up. He had awoken from his sleep at the same time as he did. Tsukishima's head started spinning and he put on his glasses. Kageyama looked at him and then pointed at Tsukishima's pocket. Tsukishima looked confused and slipped his hand into his pocket and felt something. He took it out and saw the daisy chain Kageyama had put in his pocket in the dream. "Wha. . .h-how"

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