Internship Part 2

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Hey guys I'm back to writing stories, I'm sorry for the delay its been about 2 months so now I am ready to write again

Izuku had walked at the address that All Might and walked through the front door and saw Gran Torino on the floor with blood around him and yelled


Gran Torino: I'm alive


We go to a short timeskip

Torino: Ah whoopsie I was carrying sausages with ketchup on them and fell clumsie me, now who did you say you were

Izuku: Oh I'm Izuku Midoryia from UA highschool

Torino looked confused

Torino: Ahhhhh, Who now

Izuku saying his name a bot loader

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoryia

Torino looked at him and said

Torino: What's your name boy

Izuku just looked at him and thought about that he was All Might's teacher so he had to be pretty old but didn't expect him to be bonkers while Gran Torino now sitting on the floor said

Torino: I could really use some food

Izuku was shocked again and said

Izuku: Some food?, heh excuse me, I need to make a phone call to someone

While Izuku was about to call All Might to tell him that Gran Torino wasn't in the best shape to train him Gran Torino walked to his suitcase he had with him and took a look inside it to find his hero costume and Izuku turned to look at him

Izuku: Hey wait that's my stuff

While Gran Torino still looking at Izuku's hero costume said

Torino: Why don't you fire up a One For All Smash at me

Izuku just looked at Gran Torino for a second and Gran Torino spoke up again

Torino: I want to know how far you've come to handling it's power

Izuku was now wondering if this was even the same guy as before that just asked him what his name was even though he said it a few times

Torino: This is a pretty good costume, now where's that attack

Izuku: But sir

Torino just looked at Izuku again and said

Torino: Hey what are you doing here

Izuku was just flabbergasted and was wondering what was with this guy

Izuku: I'm here because I want to get better at handling One For All, I can already control 50% and Black Whip but I want to get better at handling it so I can achieve further with One For All, I'm also here because (sigh) I don't know if All Might has much time left, I'm sorry but I can't waste my whole week messing around like this sir, I hope you'll excuse me \

Izuku was walking out as Torino spoke

Torino: As I thought, (sigh)

Izuku turned around to see Torino bounce up to a walls very fast

Torino: It's time to show me what you can do, yah newbie hehehe, I watched the UA Sport's Festival on Television the way you used your power winning you, well you may be the Symbol of Peace in the number one hero, but All Might's a total novice when it comes to teaching. I can only imagine what a blunder he is in the classroom what.

Izuku: (Hey All Might called us a bunch of newbies too and he has two sides sometimes playing dumb, this really is his teacher)

Torino: I can't stand to watch how much effort you put in to use your quirk that way so I suppose I'll have to teach you, now hurry and get your costume on

Izuku just smiled and said

Izuku: I'm ready teach me everything

A/N So I decided to change Izuku's costume like it is in the anime I feel like that the Joker outfit from Persona 5 just wouldn't fit him so now it is his cannon costume.\

Izuku was looking through his new hero outfit and saw a instructions manual that read

Dear Izuku Midoryia,

As we made repairs to your costume our designers decided to make a few changes in regards to materials and appearance.

Thank you for understanding.

But trust me it's going to look a whole lot cooler

Izuku just looked at it and said

Izuku: (I can't believe the support group could change stuff around without asking me, I guess I shouldn't be surprised after seeing Hatsume at work, well whatever the case this will be my first battle in the new version of my mom's suit)

Izuku looked at himself for a second and said

Izuku: All right let's get started

Torino looked up at Izuku and said

Torino: Show me your smash

Izuku looked worried and said

Izuku: Uh are you sure this is a good idea I'm kind of worried since I've never used this suit before. Plus you know this place is small and if I accidentally fired a smash at a high percentage then your body wouldn't be able to handle it

Torino just looked at him with a straight face and said

Torino: good grief kid, a chatterbox aren't you

Just then Torino fired off in the room and Izuku barely saw, but just then Torino said something

Torino: I'm losing patience hahahaha

As he kept going around the room Izuku barely able to dodge it as Torino smashed his microwave

meanwhile in alleyway Momo and Kendo were walking together and Kendo said

Kendo: You know Momo, Izuku did well in the Sport's Festival (she said with a slight blush)

Momo noticed this and was not happy and tried to stay calm

Momo: Yeah he did, hey can you wait here for a second I need to grab something

Kendo: Yeah, sure

But as Kendo turned around to wait for Momo she felt something metal go through her back and the person who did this was none other than Momo

Kendo with blood dripping out of her mouth managed to say something

Kendo: w-w-why

Momo just smiled at her and said in a menacing tone


Hey guys sorry that it's been quite a while I will and promise to stick true to my story I just wish I done this sooner and I will see you later my awesome memers 1048 words.

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