Creppy Peepers

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3rd person POV

We skip 12 years into the future where we see the cinnamon roll walking down the road on his way to the last day of school. But for some reason he feels a presence near by

Izuku thoughts: I feel like some is watching me but I don't know who

Izuku quickly turns back to seeeeeee.........

No one....

But someone is in fact looking at him he just can't see them

Momo POV

Momo: Oh my love I wish I could just come out and hug you and kiss you and just snuggle up to you, but alas I watch you from afar.

3rd Person POV

Izuku walks to class and the day is just like any another day Katsumi was a bully to Izuku, his journal was thrown out the window and exploded, Author: I'm starting to question my sanity you know the whole shabang.

And the rest of the day is just like in the anime but after All Might asked Izuku to be his successor he meets Momo again

Izuku POV

Izuku's thoughts: I can't believe it All Might asked me to be his successor this is the happiest day of my li-

Momo: Oh- sorry Izu I should have been looking where I was going

(Izuku looks up) Izuku: No worries Momo I should have been looking too.

1 minute earlier

This message has been brought to you by my sad self

Momo POV

Momo's thoughts: Oh there is my Izu walking home, I should walk up to him pretending I wasn't looking where I was going and bump into him

(They bump into each other)

Momo: Oh- sorry Izu I should have been looking where I was going.

Izuku: No worries Momo I should have been looking too

Momo's thoughts: YES my plan worked now I can finally talk to Izu instead of looking at him.

3rd Person POV

Momo: Sooo Izu how was your day.

Izuku's thoughts: I want to tell her but I can't tell her about All Might.

Izuku: It was an eventful day, Kacchan is still bullying me just because I am quirkless, and she told me to take a Swan dive off the roof

(Momo Stunned) Momo: Don't worry about Katsumi, I am here for you Izu she squished him on her chest while comforting him

To be continued

A/N: All of you are so awesome picking out my story I just can believe it all of you are insane, All of you stay well and see you next time memers.

Where We Meet (Izuku x Yandere Momo)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now