Ch 26

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(Present Day-Malfoy Manor)

Muffled voices filled Salem's ears. Voices she knows. She's been awake since they arrived at Malfoy Manor. If anyone notices she is awake, they didn't show it.

Yet again Blaise would be the only one to know if she's faking a sleep. The voices become clearer. Hermione, Ron, Harry, George, Blaise and Draco. I guess George and Harry sent their wives away.

Protecting them from a fight they don't need to be in.

"Her father is back in Azkaban." Salem hears Harry say, "For good. No escaping this time. He was easy to take down. Dunno why Salem was afraid."

Blaise glared. "Of course you don't, Potter." He sneers. "Nor do you Weasley. Don't say you do."

Blaise's head turned to George. George glared at Blaise.

"I knew her." George defended himself. "I knew the real her. Until she got that bloodily mark."

"She didn't have-"

"Blah blah blah!" George yelled.

Draco held Blaise back. It was difficult, but it worked. Blaise wanted to punch George Wealsey. George Weasley took everything from him. But he had gotten her back in 6th year. In fact, he even married her. He protected her while George Weasley couldn't nor wouldn't.

"You don't know anything, Weasley." Blaise hissed.

"I knew everything." George growled back.

"Did you know anything about her family?"

"She didn't tell me anything-"

"You broke her." Blaise says, cutting him off. "The day you saw her mark and broke up with her... You had no idea the pain you put her through. The mark was already hard for her. You just made it worse."


"She couldn't produce the Patronus charm." Draco adds. "You were her only happy thoughts, memories. You were her light, Weasley. Her one piece of normal life. When you broke up with her...Her world became dark. Very dark. She had no one to turn too. No one but Blaise and I. After all...Her Gryffindor friends wanted nothing to do with her."

Pain and guilt filled Harry's heart. Hermione's heart broke at Salem's life. George's face went pale.

"H-how come-" George stumbled with his words.

"She never mentioned her family?" Blaise asked.

George nodded, trying to breathe.

"She knew if she had told you all about her father, mother, none of you would give her the time of day." Draco says.

Everyone's eyes fell on the sleeping Salem.

"So," Ron starts, "How do we wake her?"

"Not sure." Blaise says walking to Salem. "I'm not even sure what my mother did to her.""Your mother looked at her memories." Hermione says, "I wonder what she was looking for..."

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