New Vigilante Rises

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We see Y/n walking late in the night looking for greedy heros to kill or true evil villains. He's been doing this for weeks since his new quirk. Now you may ask how did Y/n turn into a Vigilante? How did he gain a new quirk? Well let's go back to the night where he went to the League of Villains shall we?


Y/n was walking to the League of Villains after he left the girls so they can have their sleep over. While he was walking towards there he was talking to himself about what would happen if he got caught?

Y/n: So now I'm with this crazy ass group and now a Vigilante. Wonder what will happen if I gain fame from killing people? Will the girls be disappointed? Is this the right choice? Is this what mom and dad truly wanted? *sigh* I don't know anymore.

Y/n looks up and sees the place where the League is located at. Only one thought came in his mind.

Y/n: Why the fuck is it in an abandoned bar?

He walks in with confusion but didn't care honestly. When he walks in he sees Shigaraki and Kurogiri talking to someone on a screen about some shit.

Y/n: heyo Shigaraki don't tell me this is like some cult or some bullshit!

Shigaraki: *turns around* oh it's you! Also no this isn't a fucking cult, we were just reporting our boss about how you joined.

Y/n: Boss? So you ain't even in charge? Is your "Master" in charge or something?

Kurogiri: Right on the money Y/n. But Shigaraki is technically the Boss since "Master" let's him choose his own choices.

Y/n: Cool I guess, so who is this "Master" guy? Seems strong ya know, but I would like to know what I'm working with ya know?

Kurogiri: makes since then I'll ask "Master".

Kurogiri goes to the room with the TV in it and asks the person on the screen a question. Y/n try to see who's on the screen but can't quite see him. Kurogiri comes back in the room where Y/n is, which he is guessing is the main part of it.

Kurogiri: He says he would like to see you in person if that's alright?

Y/n: ......okay I guess but seems sketchy as fuck.

Then Kurogiri opens a portal to a dark room before they go Shigaraki walks in the room.

Shigaraki: where you taking him Kurogiri?

Kurogiri: Master wants to see him personally.

Shigaraki: oh alright. Y/n all imma say is you may not like him when you know who he is.

Y/n: thanks for the heads up I guess?

Kurogiri: let's go.

Then both men go through the portal to a dark room where Y/n sees a tall man with a mask and in a black suit sitting in a chair. He knows who he exactly he is.

Y/n: So your boss is All for One? ... What the fuck.

All for One: So you must be Y/n

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