One Tough Battle

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" Get out of my way." The stranger commanded as he walked towards the small Golden Dawn squad, Neva looked over at Mimosa and saw she was using one of her recovery spells. 'Good. At least she's alright.' Neva thought in relief as she removed her Diamond Shell and conjured up two twin daggers made out of diamond. She only ever used this spell when she knew she would have to engage in close quarter combat, she watched as Yuno and Klaus also got into their combat positions. The stranger didn't look phased at all.

" Yuno, Neva, look." Klaus motioned towards the man and saw what Klaus was pointing out, the diamond on his grimoire.

" He's from the Diamond Kingdom." Yuno said as his eyes narrowed, Neva nodded, it was just as she suspected. But what really confused her was the crystals on his forehead and the one on his chest.

" Klaus, are those what I think they are?" She asked as she turned toward him. Klaus nodded before he pushed his glasses up.

" Yes. I thought the rumors about the Diamond kingdom conducting experiments on people were just that; rumors. Apparently we were wrong." Klaus said before the man attacked them again, luckily Klaus had good reflexes and was able to block the attack with a steel shield.

" Quit talking and get out of my way!" The man commanded again before sending more attacks their way. One right after the other. The three Golden Dawn members did their best to dodge and send attacks right back at the man, Neva mostly tried to protect Mimosa the best she could as Yuno and Klaus went for the stranger.

'Now I know why people assumed I was from the diamond kingdom.' Neva thought as she used one of her blades to slice through an attack. 'On the surface you can't tell the difference, other than they're different colors, but otherwise they're nearly identical. Except mine's stronger.' Neva though with a smirk as she used her 'Diamond shower' spell at the stranger, who blocked it with ease. She gritted her teeth, this was a real pain in the ass.

" We're being cornered." Klaus said as he and Yuno moved back toward the girls, he and Neva shared a look between themselves. They would have to send someone ahead without them. After Neva nodded in agreement Klaus looked at Yuno. " You need to go ahead without us. We'll take care of him." Klaus commanded, Neva stood up straight.

" But I-!" Yuno began to argue before she held up a hand to silence him, she knew he'd argue, that was the kind of person he was even if he appeared to not really care about anyone.

" We'll be fine. Go and get that treasure. We'll meet you there once we deal with this guy." Neva told him, she half turned toward him, a small smirk on her face. " Trust me. This guy won't be able to take us down that easy." She added before she and Klaus shared another look.

They were screwed, and they both knew it. If Yuno was even having a tough time with this guy, then the two of them didn't really have a chance. But if they were going down, then they'd go down swinging. She heard Yuno sigh, apparently deciding not to argue, she heard him quickly run down the hall. 'Wait, when did that door open?!' She thought as she turned to look; yep it was open, huh, interesting. Neva suddenly heard Klaus shout and she turned to look.

'Dammit! I shouldn't have gotten distracted!' Neva thought as she saw a crystal bind Klaus's foot. It was as if the world began to move in slow motion; she saw the man send another attack towards Klaus, her body began to move on its own, but she knew she wouldn't make it to him in time. The spell was going to hit him, and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

'Why...why am I so weak?'

Suddenly, a rush of wind swept past her and blocked the attack. Neva quickly turned and saw Yuno standing there, she couldn't stop the surprise from appearing on her face. He turned back for them?

" Why did you turn back? We told you to go! The mission is our main priority!" Klaus shouted as Neva quickly broke the crystal that bound his foot, they watched Yuno stand a bit in front of them, as though to shield them from the stranger.

" Because you're my friends." He answered simply, Neva had to admit that statement shocked her a bit and she didn't really know why. If this weren't such a serious situation they were in she would probably be laughing right now. He had only known them for a couple of months and was already admitting they were his friends, whereas she had known most of her squad for over a year and she refused to call any of them that. Hell, she didn't even want to call the people she was currently with her friends! 'But,' Neva thought with a shake of her head. 'If Yuno's already willing to admit that he considers us his friends, then maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to admit it too one day.' That single thought warmed her heart a bit, before she suddenly felt a surge of mana.

" Neva, look!" Klaus stated, pulling her out of her thoughts. He pointed toward where Yuno was standing, shock clearly on his face. As Neva turned to look she realized that was where all the mana was coming from, a smirk appeared on her face as she watched the wind circle around him.

" Well aren't you just full of surprises Mr. Prodigy." She muttered as she watched him wield two spells at once and throw them at the soldier.


" Yuno!" Neva shouted as she watched him begin to be overpowered by the Diamond Mage, she hadn't noticed he never pulled out his grimoire, but now that the Diamond Soldier had, the fight was even more unmatched than it already was. Neva quickly conjured a diamond wall in between Yuno and the man, trying to do anything she could to try and help Yuno get the upper hand. But as thanks for her troubles, she was given a crystal doll created by the stranger and it just so happened to be strong enough to keep her busy.

" Klaus! Snap out of it we need you!" She shouted as she sent another diamond shower at the doll. It was almost a life size version of the ones she had made when she was a child, except hers didn't move, and they for sure didn't try to kill anyone! She quickly blocked another attack before looking over at Klaus, who appeared to be stunned for a few moments, finally snapped out of it and began to try to attack the stranger once again. But it failed. The stranger created another doll just like the one she was fighting.

" Why are you so hard to beat?!" She shouted at the doll as she slashed at it with her blade again, she was able to cut across what would be it's chest, but it wasn't enough to take the damn thing down. 'I don't understand! My magic is different from there's! So why isn't it able to cut through?!' She thought indignantly as she dodged another one of its spells. Her magic was made out of carbon, theirs was made out of minerals, hers was made from one of the strongest materials on the planet, theirs was not, so why in the hell could she not cut it down?!

" Just surrender." Neva turned toward the voice's and her eyes widened. Yuno was being overwhelmed, and appeared to be frozen just like Klaus was a moment ago. 'Son of a-!' Neva quickly conjured a diamond hammer and hit the crystal doll square in the chest, knocking it onto its back. She smirked in satisfaction before rushing to aid Yuno.

But she didn't get very far.

The crystal doll suddenly appeared in front of her. 'What the hell? I ended this didn't I?!' Neva thought before suddenly she watched as the doll pulled it's fist back. Crap. There was nothing she could do, she couldn't block it, she couldn't move out of the way, she had to take a direct hit. So she did. With a soft 'oof' the doll punched her square in the stomach and sent her flying across the room. All the air was knocked out of her lungs as she slammed into the wall next to the dungeons entrance, she slid down onto the floor and watched as Klaus was starting to become overwhelmed by the doll he was facing, and Yuno was about to be dealt a finishing blow by the Diamond Soldier.

'I'm sorry guys,' Neva thought weakly as her vision was beginning to darken and she heard the crystal dolls footsteps inch closer and closer towards her. 'I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect all of you...'

The last thing Neva saw before she slipped into unconsciousness was a giant crystal sword about to crash onto Yuno.

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