Neva vs Llyr

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Neva rolled her shoulders back as she heard the announcer shout. This was it, she felt her nervousness from a moment ago slowly fall away. She needed to put Llyr and Langris out of her mind for now, she had to focus on the task at hand. She turned to look at Sonas and Lavis, they were just standing there, apparently they didn't have any idea what they were supposed to be doing. She sighed and shook her head, they were useless.

" Ok, since neither of you have mapping spells can you at least sense mana decently?" She asked as she crossed her arms, they would need to move soon before the other team discovered their location.

" U-Um...not really." Sonas muttered softly, Lavis shrugged his shoulder.

" I'm decent, but not as good as most." Neva growled in irritation.

" Well what are you two good at?!" She snarled, she needed to do well, she wanted to be a part of the Royal Knights and she would be damned if she didn't make it because of these two! " Whatever. Just stay here and guard the crystal. I'll take care of the other team." She quickly equipped her Effervescent Armor and took off before either of her teammates could say a word.

" Well she's in a mood."


Yuno watched as Neva seemed to almost glide across the battlefield, she seemed to know exactly where the other team and their crystal was. Her mana sensing was quite impressive, but it didn't help that the other team was already on their way to where Neva's team was situated so she was at least a level 4. He watched as she summoned a crystal pillar to pierce through the other team's mode of transportation. Her armor disappeared and she began to use Diamond Shower to attack from long range and Diamond Palisade to block the team's attacks.

'She has gotten much stronger.' Yuno thought somewhat proud, the thing was; Neva didn't realize how much stronger she had gotten in the past few weeks, anytime they trained she would always mutter how she needed to get stronger, how she was still too weak, how she couldn't call herself a member of the Golden Dawn until she was able to beat someone with the same magic type as her. He shook his head slightly, she was putting too much pressure on herself. But the more he watched the more his suspicions were confirmed. These three mages she was fighting against, they were all decently strong and she was handling them with ease. Not a single spell was able to hit her. Suddenly, he watched as a single Diamond Arrow shot out of her hand went straight through the other team's crystal; they had left themselves wide open to an attack.

" Crystal Destroyed!" Rang out through the battlefield, Yuno watched as the teams walked away from each other and climbed onto the small disks that would float them back up to where the other knights stood.

" I told you; she doesn't work well in teams." Klaus muttered as he pushed his glasses up, Yuno turned to look at him.

" But, she works well with us!" Mimosa argued, but everyone had seen it. She went rogue.

" Yes. But the key word there is us, she knows us and has learned how to work with and around our affinities." Klaus argued before they heard heels click against the stone ground, Yuno turned and saw the fair haired girl in question walking towards them.

Neva was breathing heavier than she would have liked, the battle really wore her out, it also used a lot more mana than she wanted. She shouldn't have used her armor, but she wanted to get the battle done and over with as quickly as possible. She wiped the small beads of sweat off her brow with the back of her hand as she walked over to the others. Yuno's eyes were narrowed slightly.

" What's wrong?" Neva asked as she stood in front of him.

" Nothing. You did very well out there." He answered simply, Neva quirked her eyebrow. She was sensing a 'but' in that statement.

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