Chapter Twelve: Louis (Lover) Ending

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I watch as Clementine, Louis and Violet walk in different directions. Within a split second, my heart pulls me towards Louis. So I walk after him. I enter the music room with Louis playing the piano quietly. The door squeaks as I shut it and approach him.

"So, what's this project you needed me for?" I ask.

He presses a key on the piano, the noise is not pleasurable. "Sounds awful, right? We gotta tune it, that's why I need you."

I press the keys as he tells me to and the pedals.

"Now blow on the strings."


"It helps set them in harmony, blow on them."

Reluctantly, I do. He starts laughing.

"And that did nothing because that's not at all a part of how you tune a piano." He smiles goofily at me and sits down.

"I can't believe I fell for that." I chuckle as he starts playing the piano again.

"What song are you playing?"

"It's one that I wrote."

"What's it called?"

He sighs, "I don't know yet." He stops playing soon enough, "There, first time played. We should mark the occasion."

He uses a knife and carves an 'L' into the piano, then hands me the weapon. I carve my initial beside his and add a heart around it. He smiles at me as he takes the knife back, then sighs.

"Hey so, I'm gonna dig myself into a deep hole from which I'll never emerge. Cool? Cool. Time to get serious."

"Serious?" I question, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Not really, nope. Thanks for being here. Coming here to help me with my project, even after everything I put you through. And everything I had to work through, for myself. Everyone hears the jokes, the piano and then after that, they stop listening. You didn't."

Here's your chance idiot, say it!

"Um well.. I- I like like you. As in more than a friend." I reply.

His face turns into pure shock.

"Oh- did I say something wrong?"

"Uh no-" He coughs into his hand, "When you said you like-like someone during the game, I was hoping it was me. And it is. Holy shit, it's me!" He smiles while looking down at the piano, "Figured out what to call the song. Clementine, obviously. You know, because I like fruit and I like you even more so..there. And I gotta say, out of all the things I saw coming, you having a crush on me was not one of them."

"Shut up and kiss me."

For a few seconds, our lips danced together before we were rudely interrupted by Ruby.

"(Y/N), you out here?"

"Guess that's my cue." I get up and leave Louis alone in the music room.

AJ and I talk for a little bit up on the lookout deck.We stare at the herd of walkers for a few minutes, talking about really anything that comes to our heads. He wants dibs on Abel's head and I allow him to. But soon, AJ spots something. It seems to be someone sneaking around—not a walker.

We get off of the lookout pedestal and go to tell the others.

As Louis, AJ and I all approach the others, he tells me something, "If I don't see you when this is all over, just know, I have no idea what the D on Clem's hat stands for."

I chuckle as he continues, "Don't tell me because I want it to remain a mystery. But I'm gonna pretend that it stands for don't die. So, listen to Clem's hat."

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