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Timothee had never felt so worn out in his entire existence. This war had taken more from him than he ever imagined it would. As he was about to take his chain mail and plate off, there was a knock at his door.

"Your Grace?" A familiar voice fell into his ears and he rushed to let her in.

When he opened the door, he found Saoirse, fresh in her white linens of the Holy Tower, her arm cradled in a bandage.

"Don't let anyone else in." He commanded the guards and pulled her inside.

He ran his fingers atop the bandages before looking back up at her.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Not too much."

"How did this happen?"

"I landed on my arm when the explosion blew me off of my feet. The nurse says its just a sprain and some cuts." Saoirse explained.

Timothee tucked a stray wave of her blond hair behind her ear before stepping closer and leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I'm so glad you're alive." He whispered against her skin and wrapped an arm around her.

"Don't you get tired of wearing metal all the time?" She spoke and lifted the chain mail from his waist with one hand, pulling it up over his torso as he assisted her from the other side. Soon they were able to take other pieces of armor off him and Saoirse ran a hand through his disheveled locks to fix them.

"Did you eat anything?" She asked.

"Not yet. I will, after I'm done talking to the people."

"Makes sense. Should I bring you anything else?"

"Yes. Yourself." He spoke, taking her hand in his again.

"Timothee. We We should not-"

"Do you not want to? Did I do something wrong?"

Did I lose you too?

"You have no idea how much I want to. But what's the point when you cannot be with me?" She said, breaking her heart all over again in the process.

"Who told you that?"

"Are you not marrying her?"

"No. I told her father as much." Timothee spoke, never taking his eyes off of hers.

Saoirse did not speak for a moment as she registered what she had just been told. Her eyes moistened and her hands reached up to gently cup his face.

"Please, please don't tell me you're not serious. Or that I'm dreaming."

His hands encircled her waist and he pulled her to himself. Their lips met in such passion that Saoirse forgot her name.

This was what she had been looking for.

This was home.

"Was that real enough for you?" He whispered when they parted and Saoirse could not help but hug him to herself.


As Timothee addressed his people, he told them how they had won the war- what came next, how he was to rehabilitate everyone and asked them of their cooperation and patience with him. He informed the public about the tragic death and martyrdom of his father and announced a mourning period of a week, during which all royals shall dress simply and every man was to light a lamp for the peace of their dead King.

He had almost expected the crowd to not listen to him, to be defiant and difficult, but that did not happen. His people had faith in him and they made sure he knew that.

"And before taking my leave, I'd like to break some good news for you to take home." Timothee began and the gentle chatter and mutterings of the people died down once again.

"I, hereby declare on behalf of the people of Elmcaster, that we accept the hand of Prince Ansel of Brookwood in marriage to my sister, Lady Pauline. Their nuptial rites shall take place by the end of this month."

The crowd erupted in a thunderous cheer as soon as the words left his lips. He looked over at Pauline behind the translucent veiled curtains to see her shyly smiling down. Saoirse stood beside her, speaking something into her ear and he watched as her hair fell around her shoulders. Unwillingly, he tore his eyes away from the maiden.

He waited for the cheers to die down as he raised a hand and when they did, he spoke again.

"Saoirse, can you come forward?" He asked the girl and she stepped out from behind the curtains and stood at some distance behind him.

He took her hand and gently pulled her so she stood right beside him instead. There were some gasps from the people and the royals alike but for once, he did not care. His heart pounded inside his chest at a murderous pace but he laced his fingers with hers and held onto her slender hand tightly.

"And now I introduce you to the woman who I owe this crown to. Its hers, really, but it wasnt her fault that she was caught in the midst of unfortunate circumstances and lost her monarchical claim to invasions. She was the heir of King Elliot, but if it wasnt for her I wouldnt be alive. The explosions that caused us to win would not have happened and this kingdom would be slave to the enemies. In a sense, we all owe our lives to her." He said.

"No reparations any of us can make would ever be enough for the losses shes had. No title we can give would justify her bravery and what she did for us. Saoirse is merciful, just, courageous and so incredibly balances me out. Shes not afraid to stand up for what is right even if it means going against the people closest to her."

"All of this, and a billion other things make me certain that I have finally found the perfect person to serve as the Queen of Elmcaster by my side." He declared and as he turned toward Saoirse, he almost felt dizzy with how nervous he was. He saw her sapphire orbs widen and her mouth fell open just a little as he lowered himself till he sat on a single knee in front of her.



sfnjnfenfne I am not okay after writing this. While I go write more, I'll leave you to this ( I don't know if you can call it that) cliffhanger.

Take care and stay safe!


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