if only you knew

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"How does this keep happening? There is definitely someone from inside the castle involved. Someone important." The King of Brookwood suggested at the private dinner with King Marc.

"I feel that is true. Who killed the traitor though?" The Queen asked.

"Nobody saw who did but God bless him." King Marc mumbled over his cup of spiced wine.

"These instances are common when the transfer of power is near. Foes all around try to grab at the last chances of seizing power." The Queen of Brookwood spoke.

"I agree, my lady. How is Ansel?" The King inquired.

"He has been doing better, Your Grace. His wounds have been tended to, and Pauline has been really kind in offering to change his bandages now and then."

"When do we let them know that we wish to see them married?" Nicole asked, smiling, revelling in the bliss of having her daughter being married to a suitor she highly approves of.

"After the coronation. They would be truly happy to know it after we sort this mess." Her husband said and the others in the company agreed.


Saoirse sat by the lake. It was more serene somehow during the night than it was in the day.

The full moon reflected in the almost inky black water and she let her fingertips submerge into it, the coldness making her numb but giving her something to feel. She had only ever killed twice in her life- first when the castle was attacked and the second tonight. And she hated it.

It took away every shred of her that was human and left her feeling empty and deserted.

She knew she had to do it or lose the prince. Her eyes had thankfully landed on the treacherous soldier in time to predict his move and act. Despite that, she had taken a life.

Pauline had been all grateful to her in her chamber later and professed how glad she was to have Saoirse in her life, but Saoirse felt terrible on getting praised for killing somebody, even though it was for a noble cause. He must have had a family waiting for him back home. The princess promised to tell no one about it upon Saoirses request and then soon after, Saoirse had run to her sanctuary- this lake.

She missed her mother and terribly so, and she could talk to nobody about it. She was not really sure if Timothee was the kind to listen to such things, and why would he listen to her? She was, after all, a serving girl and nothing more. The weight of the whole situation was so much that she felt constantly tired, and she had not had a good nights sleep ever since this nuisance began.

Why did her mother have to be a traitor? Where had she gone and why would she lie to Saoirse? If only had Saoirse had known about her plans in time, she would have talked her mother out of it, or at least she would have tried her best, but that was out of the question now. Her mother had sailed off, possibly to where the masters of this cruel design to assassinate the prince were seated. She did not even know if she would see her mother again.

What was even scarier was that the entire castle now seemed unsafe. Anyone could be on the side of the enemy- a soldier, a serving girl, a cook, a stable boy. She had been there when the King ordered his own kingsguard to conduct spontaneous raids in every nook and corner of the castle and putting in the dungeon cells, anyone who seemed suspicious.

She hoped that when they checked her mothers room; they find nothing or the truth the Prince and herself had so carefully concealed from the world would be laid bare for everyone to see and if Timothee was right, she would be the bait, or rather one of their baits, to get to the enemy.

She got up before she could delve more into the realm of profound sadness and longing which she had neither the time nor energy for. Carefully, she made her way out of the woods and got admitted into the castle.

When she was back at her room, hardly had she removed her cloak when a loud series of knocks sounded at her door.

"SAOIRSE!" She heard the King yell her name from outside.

Mortal fear swelled up in her chest as her mind raced to search for any crime she had committed to invite the wrath of His Majesty.

She opened the door, and the King barged in, his tall frame intimidating and angry.

"WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER?" He bellowed, and Saoirse took cautious steps back as he advanced.

"I-I do not know, Your Grace," She stuttered, utterly scared for her life but trying her best to keep as composed as she could.

Suddenly, he gripped her by the throat and all the air in the world did not seem enough for her. Her breathing appeared as if it would completely stop at any point and he pushed her up against the wall.

"I will not ask again. Where is she?!" He yelled.

"She said she does not know! Get away from her!" A familiar voice yelled back and suddenly, the hands around her throat were wrenched away from her and Timothee came into view.

Before she could hit the floor, he caught her and let her lean into him as they sat on the floor. She wanted to stand, but she was too physically and emotionally overwhelmed to do anything. Tears fell down her cheeks uncontrollably, and she was aware she was wetting his cloak.

"Get away from there, Timothee! She is dangerous!" He shouted.

"No she is not! She killed that assassin tonight." He said through gritted teeth and against his chest, Saoirse could hear his heart hammering.

"How do you know?" The King asked.

"I saw. And her mother is just one of the people who betrayed their liege. There are more powerful ones out there you should yell after rather than her." He replied.

"You dont know what you are talking about. There are facts and events you do not know of."

"The facts and events being?" Timothee asked, and Saoirse could feel his irritation coming off of him in waves.

"I do not think it necessary to tell you that. Guards! Put this wench in a cell!" The King commanded.

"I will kill every single one of them if they try to touch her." Timothee warned.

"And I will kill myself if you do not let her go." The King drew out his sword and placed it near his pulse.

"But Father? Please put that away, you have never been the sort to react so strangely." Timothee tried reasoning with him.

"If only you knew things, you'd put a sword to her heart yourself. Let her go, Timothee. You know I do not lie."

"I am supposed to be King after you! Should I not know everything about the realm and its history? What is it you cannot tell me? You have always told me things!" He said, sounding almost like a child by the end.

"In due time, you will. For now- choose her or me."

And Timothee let go of her while the guard picked her up roughly by the arms and dragged a wailing Saoirse to the cells.

She turned her head back a last time, though, to look at Timothee, and he was staring right back at her. His eyes held the sorrow and guilt of a century, but there was something else in them- a promise.

Saoirse closed her eyes and let her tears fall more freely as her feet and knees scraped on the rough stone floor to the dungeons.

Author's note:

I hope you're all doing well and please feel free to hit my dm's up if you ever need someone to vent to. I'd rather listen to you than let you be morose and feel unwanted. Anyway, thanks so much for reading, voting and commenting and helping this story grow. You're all such angels to me and if you ever feel low, just know that you, Timothee and Saoirse breathe the same air and are made of the same stardust :)

Going to sign off with a few awesome lines from Max Ehrmann, "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here and whether or not it is clear to you, the universe is unfolding as it should."

love you x


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