I'd much rather be dating a guy who wants to improve himself

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I'm pumping my shaft with my right hand with my phone in my left. I'm sitting on the toilet, making quite a bit of noise. I'm watching some aggressive vore videos, which I'm not happy about, but it's the only thing working right now.

I hear the handle jiggle, then a voice. "Oh, sorry Josh. I didn't know you were in there."

I grunt in frustration. "No... it's okay."

"Are you almost finished? I really need to go..."

I close my eyes. "Yeah... I'm pretty much done." I begrudgingly put my phone in my pocket and pull my pants up. I wash my hands, then open the door.

"Thanks, honey." Kaylee kisses my cheek as she passes me. I walk out and shut the door, then make my way back to our bedroom. I close the door, then pull my shaft out again and retrieve my phone. I keep jerking for a few minutes, hoping I can finish before she's done.

I hear the bathroom door open and footsteps towards the bedroom. I drop my phone as I fumble with my pants, just barely getting them done up before she opens the door.

"Hey Josh." She smiles, then notices my phone on the ground. "Oh, I'll get that for you." She picks it up, then looks at the screen. "Uhh...Josh?"

I'm mortified, and I turn away. "I... don't like looking at that stuff... sometimes it's the only thing that works." I take my head in my hands. "I...I'm sorry."

Kaylee walks over and sets the phone down on our nightstand. She sits on the bed and pulls me over to her. "I didn't want you to get embarrassed. I was...just surprised. I didn't... guess that you'd look at vore."

I growl. "I would never hurt anyone like that... I don't like it. My dick does. My dick like violent, taboo stuff. I wish I could just get off to normal stuff..."

She starts rubbing my belly. "No... don't feel bad. Let's unpack this a little." She thinks for a bit. "What do you normally start out jerking to?"

"Uhh..." I'm embarrassed to talk about this stuff, but Kaylee has seemed pretty understanding so far, so I decide to be honest. "I try to start as vanilla as possible... though POV when possible. I like...im..." I really regret what I have to say. "...imagining that they're doing that stuff to me."

"Okay... I'm asking this genuinely, not in any way trying to accuse you. But what do you like about them that I can't give you? Or don't give you?"

Surprised that her tone hasn't gotten any angrier, I try to calm down and think about the answer. "Ugh...I dunno. I don't like it BETTER than what we do together...but I can use porn as a stress relief. I can find anyone I want to jerk off to..." I swallow. "... it's not that I'm not satisfied with you. You're absolutely gorgeous...I just... part of my brain craves the novelty. And I can find videos where they do anything I want..." I sigh. "It sucks. I don't want you to think you're not good enough for me."

"No, I don't think that." She lifts one of her legs over mine so she can pull me a bit closer. "Your brain still thinks of orgasm as a stress relief. And your porn habits are a bit like binge eating. You move through a bunch of things, not stopping until you're full. Except you never know what's going to make you full." She wiggles her arm under me so she can hug me. "The taboo stuff is the sugary, greasy stuff that you want but know isn't good for you. Less extreme porn is like eating spinach - you could eat and eat, but you wouldn't enjoy it, and you'd stop eating it before you were anywhere close to being full." She chuckles. "We might need to help you lose some sexual weight. Find habits that satisfy your hunger but don't make you regret eating."

I nod. "That... that actually is a great way of thinking about it. But...I have no idea where to start. And I don't have a ton of faith in succeeding...I already suck at losing weight, and this will be a lot harder."

She nods. "I know. We'll call it a long term goal. But having an end goal in mind is good." She pauses. "...What IS your end goal?"

I ponder. "To be honest, I'd like to give up porn entirely. I don't want to wank, and I only want to have sex when love is the motivation. And...I only want to have sex with the person I want to have kids with." I bite my tongue, not sure if I said too much.

"Kids?" She leans in and kisses my cheek. "You want kids too?"

"Yeah... maybe just one or two." I turn around and look at her. "I didn't know you wanted to be a mom... that's actually a big relief... lots of people don't want kids."

She gives me a kiss again. "I've wanted them ever since I was a little girl. I was an only child, and I wished I had siblings to play with. I think it would be wonderful to get to raise and play with my own sons or daughters." Her eyes soften. "And I've been looking for a lover who'd be a good daddy. And I think I've found one." She looks deep into my eyes. "You're fun to be with, and the amount of love you have in your heart is so refreshing... I could see us playing with our kids, having all sorts of fun and heartwarming moments." She chuckles. "I guess we'll see, but you've checked that box off in my book."

I hug her tightly. "That's the best compliment you could give me...I just wish I had things together... I'd like to be off porn entirely before I'm a daddy."

She smiles. "I think you can get there." She plays with my hair a bit. "And I'd much rather be dating a guy who wants to improve himself than a guy who's happy where he's at."

I finally smile. "You're really good at wording things in a way that makes me feel better." I give her a long kiss, stroking her cheek as I do.

After a bit, she pulls away and grins her sharky grin. "Now how about I remind you why porn has nothing on this shark." She pulls her shirt off and rolls on top of me, her hand slinking down and taking me in a firm grasp.

I blush, but nod. "And this human will do his best to keep up... ngh..."

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