Big Tough Russian

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"Did you two pick out any names yet?" The nurse said, while checking Roza's stats.

I looked at Dimitri, smiled and replied to the nurse, "No, we haven't. Never really talked all that much about it really."

Dimitri piped in, "It is a tradition in my family not to name the baby, or in our case babies, until he/she or they are born."

"Rose dear, you need to get some rest... Don't worry, the babies are sleeping." All I heard was mumbling coming from my nurse. I was too distracted watching my babies, to pay attention to what she was saying. Each baby was sound asleep, wrapped up in a tiny blanket and baby hat, one pink and one blue.

"Roza, listen to the nurse. You have had a long day so far..", Dimitri said. He was sitting in the comfy chair next to the head of my bed. I only noticed then that he was absent-mindedly running his fingers through my hair.

Hearing Dimitri's soft, velvet voice, I turned to face him. "I will only rest if you come lay with me..You had a long day so far yourself too." I scooted over and lifted the bed sheet behind me, inviting him into the bed. With a grin on his face and a shake of his head, he bent down and took off his sneakers, walked around to the other side of the bed and crawled in behind me. He pulled the blanket up over us both and wrapped one arm around me, but not before kissing my hair and saying, "Sleep now my Roza, the mother of my two beautiful babies."

My sleep was peaceful. I dreamed that Lily and Luka were about ten or so. Luka wore his hair just like his Dad, shoulder length and tied in a small pony-tail at the nape of his neck. He looked so much like Dimitri, but he so acted like me when I was his age, a little dare-devil. Lily on the other hand looked more like me, but acted more like Dimitri. She was the type that would rather sit with her nose in a book. Lily also would only eat healthy foods and Luka would eat doughnuts for breakfast, if we would let him.

Luka and Lily were playing in the back yard, well Luka was climbing up the ladder to the tree house-that he and his father built the summer before- and Lily had her nose in a western, swinging on a tire swing that hung under the tree house. Dimitri and I were cuddled up on our porch swing watching our children play.

Dimitri untangled himself from me and walked over to our children, picking them up and cradling them in his arms like they were babies again. He started to talk to them softly in Russian. I could only make out a few of the Russian words, Mama, sleep, good, love my babies,to name a few. He started to sway back and forth, gently rocking the babies, continuing his conversation with them in Russian.

I got up from my perch on the idle swing and walked over to my family. As I got closer I noticed that Lily and Luka were no longer about ten, they were now back to being babies. Dimitri whispered to them, "We have to be quite, so we don't wake Mommy up."

I opened my eyes from my peaceful dream and found Dimitri standing over by the window cradling both babies in the crooks of his strong arms. He didn't realize I was awake yet, I wanted to watch him and the babies a bit longer so I kept quite.


Roza drifted off to sleep soon after I crawled in bed with her. I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep until I hear the door open. Snapping awake, I looked to see who came in; relaxing when I realized it was just the nurse.

"Sorry to wake you. I just came in to check to see if the babies need a diaper change yet."

"It's ok.. Can I help you change them?", I said while quietly getting out of bed, so not to wake Roza.

It turned out that both of our babies needed to be changed. The nurse let me change both of the babies, she just supervised.

"You're a natural at this.", she said to me with a smile.

"I had practice with my nephew Paul when he was a baby." I returned her smile.

The nurse helped me bundle the babies back up. Instead of placing the babies back into their tiny hospital beds, I cradled one in each arm.

At first I sat back down in the comfy chair beside Roza's bed, but I wanted to show our beautiful babies the world. So from the safety of the hospital room, I got up from the chair and walked over to the window. I whispered to the babies, whispered to them, "We have to be quite, so we don't wake Mommy up."

It was a beautiful late spring day outside. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and you can tell that summer was on it's way again. It reminding me of the day that I first met Roza.

Looking back down at the babies, I realized something. "You want to know something funny my babies? I just realized this. I just realized that today, your birthday, is exactly one year from when I first met you Mother...With in three months of knowing your Mama, we were married and found out you two were coming."

We stayed by the window watching the day unfold. I told the babies stories of myself growning up and stories of myself and their mother. Every once in awhile I would catch myself just staring at our babies.

I was looking at our babies and said more to myself then to anyone else, "Lily Dawn and Luka Alexander Belikov."

I heard a sniffle and turned to see Roza was awake and tears were streaming down her face.

"Roza, are you ok? Is there something wrong?" I asked with concern.

"No..Nothing is wrong...I was just watching and listening to you with the babies...I love the names, Lily Dawn and Luka Alexander... I was actually just dreaming about them. They were about ten years old and Lily and Luka is what we had called them."

Roza got out of the bed and walked over to us. I placed Luka in her arms, then pulled us all into a family hug.

I whispered into Roza's hair, "Pieces of my world that I never knew were missing."

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