Chapter 5

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"What the fuck Ryan?!"

His smirk grew bigger while the attention of the library was focused on us now.

"That's the deal sweetheart. A date or bad grade." He cracked his knuckles on beat.

"No way in hell I would go on a date with you." I happen to reject his offer.

"Fine then. Find a new partner for the project Miss. Smart Pants."

He started putting his books and stuff in his bag. I was in a debate right now. Is it worth going on a date with him for good grades? Otherwise I have to do most of the work. Ugh god. His hands brushed against mine while picking up his phone. My toes crawled closer the joints in nervousness. It would be worth it for sure because I do want to go on a date with him. But my rational mine is sensing red signals from him.

"Fine...! Fine I'll go on a date with you." I unfortunately agreed.

I just nodded forcefully because I need to get through this project and I can't do things on my own. I have already have part time jobs and handling a pet is too much work. Let's just get through it Luna!

"There you are. Lovely. I'll set up the date soon." He winked before getting up.

✧⁠*⁠。Ryan ✧⁠*⁠。

She was biting on her lips while I was trying to look busy in packing my stuff. She really looks cute when she is annoyed, just like the pink angry bird. My hand brushed against her hand. I quickly withdrew it towards me as a wave of gravity exploded in my stomach. Something is wrong. What was that?

"Fine...! Fine I'll go on a date with you." She finally agreed.

"There you are. Lovely. I'll set up the date soon."

I felt a rush of excitement in me. I winked at her and decided to leave. She just guided her fingers through her hair and started packing as well. I will make sure to make her remember that one precious date forever. A smile spread across my face at this thought. The irritation in her eyes shined greater than her passion. Her soft hair that tugged behind everytime. It just somehow gave me butterflies.

✧⁠*⁠。Luna ✧⁠*⁠。

I re-applied my lipstick. Looking at myself for a final look, I headed out of the washroom. Since the day Ryan asked me for a date, I always feel concious about my appearance in front of him. I try to wear decent clothes to look normal.

"Let's go." A hand came across my shoulder.

I was about to twist that hand until I saw Alex and Ryan in the front. The rest would be Lucas.

"What are you two doing here?" I questioned them.

"We both are unfortunately paired for the project together so we thought, why not go for shoppijg with you guy." Alex passed his words while giving his attention to the phone.

"Good thing," I pulled down my top a little to look neat, "I didn't wanted to be alone with this grumpy ass all day." I looked at Ryan.

He turned to me with narrow eyes, "Don't worry. Someday we would get our time without these two."

I averted my eyes away from him, feeling the tightness in my cheeks. I cannot show him the effect he is having upon me. He opened to driver's side and got in. I better stay away. That one day needs to be pushed and done. I could feel the heat and emotions erupting in me when I am around Ryan. It is good and also dangerous right? My eyes went to the mirror where I already he see him staring at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. He just plainly looked away.

Soon we were at the mall decided. Ryan went to park the car while we headed inside. We headed to the lift while Ryan caught up with us.

"I asked her if she is a keyboard and I then replied with, 'Cause you are totally just my type'. And she was flat!!" Alex smirked at his flirting skills.

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