Chapter 5: Long Nights

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November 25th, 2018
Primrose Hill, London. Taylor's house.

With wine flowing through their system, the girls didn't catch up, but rather reminisced about old times. That seemed better than talking about Karlie's  freshly failed marriage.

"Oh my gosh! Remember the time we were at The 1975 concert and you thought Tree was going to fire you?" Karlie giggled.

Taylor let out a small giggle as well. "Yes! Oh my gosh, I don't remember that night at all, but everyone made sure I paid for it with those photos!"

Karlie's heart took a shot with the 'paid for it' comment, but she was too buzzed to care about her own feelings. "Right?? Well, it was fun anyway! And ugh! The lunch dates were so fun. I remember practically running from the paps a few times."

Both girls laughed until their stomachs hurt out on Taylor's balcony. The night was late, but neither of them cared. With the blanket resting over their legs, the two girls had worked their way closer to one another on the outdoor couch for warmth.

"Do you mind if I— " Karlie motioned for a cigarette. Taylor shook her head and karlie pulled one out from the pack. "I just wasn't sure if it was ok, you being so close and all,"

What did she mean by that, Taylor wondered. "Should I move?" She giggled.

"No! I just didn't want you to — you know — I mean I didn't want the smoke to bother you." Karlie stumbled for the right words, not wanting to offend the smaller girl. She didn't mind the closeness the girls were sharing under the blanket.

"Doesn't bother me," Taylor shrugged.

Karlie inhaled deeply and let the smoke blow into the nights air. "It's just a stress thing. Promise."

Taylor smiled with the wine glass pressed to her lips.

"Want a try?" The model, with the cigarette between her two fingers motioned to Taylor and to her ultimate surprise, Taylor grabbed it!

Karlie raised her eyebrows with wide eyes and laughed through her words, "Taylor, I was kidding!"

Taylor was confident when she inhaled, but quickly began coughing profusely. Both girls began laughing even harder. "Bad idea!" Taylor managed to choke out.

Moments later after she caught her breath, "Oh my gosh! That is disgusting, Karlie!" Taylor quickly took a drink to rid her mouth of the harsh tobacco taste. 

"Yes dummy, it's gross! Did you think it would taste like peaches and garden berries?" They laughed again, but this time not holding back. Both girls were drunk.

After the giggles settle, both girls sipped their wine in silence. It was almost as if their deeps thoughts began to emerge in their heads.

"Can't believe you had a bedroom just for me. Well multiple actually. One in every house," Karlie said breaking the silence with a teasing tone. Taylor's gaze dropped to her lap.

" were my best friend. I wanted you to go wherever I did," she said quietly.

For the first time all night, Karlie felt her face flush. She looked to the small girl sitting beside her wrapped up in their shared blanket.

"I did go wherever you did!" She laughed. "Even when you made me go to Big Sur and stay in that tiny cabin! Tall people can't be in small places, Taylor. It scares us a bit," she said trying to make her laugh.

Taylor did laugh shyly as she tilted her head all the way back to finish her glass.

Karlie couldn't help, but study Taylor's face. She was beautiful in the moonlight and while her face showed no pain, Karlie knew that Taylor's head and heart were drowning. She reach over for her friends hidden hand under the blanket and grabbed hold.

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