Chapter 7: We Need To Talk

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December 6th, 2018
New York City

Since their last meeting, Karlie headed back to New York to catch up on shooting for Project Runway. She couldn't believe how badly her last meeting with Taylor had gone. She was completely devastated over how hurt Taylor was at her expense. The singer's birthday was coming up and she had to make things right before then.

"Karlie?...... Karlie!" Penni finally raised her voice. "What's going on with you?"

Karlie snapped out of her daze. "What?"

"Please don't try and act like you've been the same since London. Are you ready to talk about it?" her publicist asked with eager ears.

"Penni," she paused while sitting on the couch of the upscale New York apartment. "You didn't want me to go so why do you care?"

Penni didn't contest her comment, instead she let it go and snapped back. "Well I am your publicist after all and with all the business you're doing, you need to be in a better mood. You have a lot coming up and—" she continued her rant with a sigh, "if someone saw you in London at her house, I'm going to have to have a reason for it."

The model got up wearing her mauve attire and took stride to the window in frustration. Karlie was not ready to talk about it and certainly not with Penni who had condemned it from the beginning.

A lump swelled in her throat and her eyes started to sting. She knew she had to let her in on the details because she didn't have anyone else she could trust. She needed to talk to someone.

"It fucking sucked," she finally confessed as she stared out the window to the street below. "It really fucking sucked."

Penni was a bit caught off guard with the hurt and anger tied into her confession. She didn't speak, rather she waited for more information.

"You know," the model said slipping her hands in her pockets and turning back around, "she wrote a song about us in west village... you know when she showed me her apartment."

Penni couldn't help her next words. "Well damn, Paine is going to have a riot with that," she scoffed looking down at her feet.

Karlie's anger finally burst as she threw her hands up in the air. "Listen! If you're going to be mad then fine. I don't give a damn! And Joe, of course, showed her the wedding photos!"

Penni's eyes narrowed not understanding why that would've made the girl's time together so sour. "Well.. yeah?" She furrowed her brow now more confused. "What's the big deal? We invited her and Joe to the wedding."

Karlie lowered her head and lightly placed her palm to her face. "I told her we called it off," she said muffled through her hand.

A heavy silence fell over the room. Her publicist couldn't believe what she was hearing. After a long pause that gave Penni time to think, she asked inquisitively, "Why would you do that, Karlie? I don't get it. Was breaking her trust on the menu or something? I thought that was actually quite the opposite idea of going to London."

Karlie groaned loudly tilting her head back. "I don't know, okay! I just— I don't know."

Penni leaned back in her chair trying to figure out the mess Karlie had made. "Did you at least tell her what happened?"

"I didn't get the chance to." Karlie began spilling.

"We had such a great night. I didn't talk about Josh at all— completely forgot. We went to bed drunk as shit. By the time I woke up, she already knew. Long story short, She kicked me out before I had time to explain."

Karlie brought her hand to chin to think, "I mean technically—" Karlie said trying to convince herself, "we did call it off?"

"That doesn't change the fact that she has no idea the photos were for his family and the wedding didn't actually happen," Pennie laughed in contest once more.

The tall girl made her way back to the couch and threw herself down. "Now what?" She asked quietly. Karlie was desperate for a solution, but had none.

The two girls sat silently both thinking of what next. After a moment of ponder, Penni spoke, "just call her— well never mind. That won't work. Not like she'd answer anyway." She slumped back in her chair with no advice.

"Maybe I could have a mutual friend talk to her," Karlie suggested raising her intonation hopefully.

In her head, Penni ran through the possibilities of that plan. "Oh!" She yelled with a spark, "you could get Blake to set up a meeting with her and just show up?"

"I'm honestly not too close with Blake. Maybe Gigi? Gigi has been on our side since day one. She also knows the whole story."

"Yes! I mean — it might not work. I'm sure Gigi wouldn't feel great about just showing up with you, but maybe work it out somehow? Call and ask because you definitely need this resolved before Africa."

Karlie quickly called in hopes that Gigi would pick up. She was in Italy for an appearance and she had just finished up the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show days before Milano.

With luck, her friend answered and agreed that she could go for some wine when she got back to New York. The model also had a trip planned for Wyoming when she returned to the states, so they would have to plan it soon. Karlie couldn't thank her enough before she hanging up the phone.

With delight, Karlie smiled. "She agreed!"

Penni still didn't like the idea of them being friends, but she was happy at how Karlie's mood shifted completely. There was a determination in her eyes.

Karlie started thinking. "Could you post a photo of me to Instagram?" Penni rolled her eyes with a laugh and took her phone.

Karlie said eagerly, "I'm going to try to look sexy."

"Like that's hard for you," Penni teased as she took the photo of her friend.

After 3 takes, Karlie approved. "I'm going to caption this as 'We need to talk.'"


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